Attended by:Raiden, Commander.
(leading)Kas Valentine, Company Arcanist.
Perrin, Mercenary.
Raven, Mercenary,
Faden Wildheart, Mercenary.
Dah'han, Mercenary Recruit.
Kaitlin, Mercenary Recruit.
Dah'Han donated his losing pay to the coffers (500).Our mission was to continue the Union's offensive against the Vesper Militia by seizing the Vesper Customs building. Word had reached us that the bridges were barricaded so Chancellor Cocidius lead us to the docks where we boarded a vessel for a seaborne assault.
The Militia however decided to sally out to meet us on the big blue and fierce ship to ship fighting ensued. The Union forces with the Company at the fore defeated the two Militia vessels with expert
"gunnery" from Commander Morana and former Covian Marine trainee Perrin.
Although Company forces swung the naval engagement and early skirmishes, the Vesper Militia clung on to win the day. Having secured a beach-head on the island Union forces then stormed the Customs building. It was clearly evident that the Vesperians had put the week's ceasefire to good use, bolstering their ranks with shieldfighters and archers to compliment their many mages. However even though they were outnumbered The Company and Union allies stormed and secured the building.
Vesper's Militia's counterattack was fierce. A close battle that swung one way and then the next finally went in their favour, with their reinforcements carrying the fight. With daylight fading the Union led a desperate counterattack but the greater Militia force would not be denied this day and they clung on to secure the island as night fell and the opposing forces disengaged.
*signed*Raiden, Commander.