Attending: Penny Freckletip, Commoner
Spud Goodsoup, Commoner
Maibaum Holzfee, Commoner
Kas Valentine, Company Arcanist
Elizabeth 'Pickles' Martin
The barracks had run out of cloth to make recruitment flags. Mr Goodsoup and Ms Holzfee agreed to go with me to gather cotton to weave more; and, as luck would have it, we ran into Mr Valentine, who kindly transported us to a number of cotton fields, and his friend Miss Martin, who helped and entertained us throughout the day.
We went to Moonglow first; then up to Yew.
Cotton being in short supply this season, we next toured Yewish sheep-pens, again courtesy of Mr Valentine.
Our journey wasn't entirely without event. The Yewish shepherds we came across were a very odd sort; Mr Valentine suspected that they were infected with 'Cowardice'.
And while most of us were busy shearing, a fire broke out -- quite mysteriously!-- in a pen and killed quite a few of the sheep...
But a few singed eyebrows aside, no-one was hurt too badly to continue, and Miss Martin moved the sheep safely away from the flames with a crook Mai had fashioned on the spot. Mr Goodsoup gathered a few of them to take back home.
We took our loot to the Forge and Loom, where we all chatted away as Mr Goodsoup and I set to work spinning and weaving. Spud, ever the salesman, also took the opportunity to peddle his goods.
We managed 48 bolts of cloth in total, which we took up to the barracks and dyed in Covian colours. Let's see them put to good use!
*signed in pretty, curvy lettering*
P. Freckletip