Lead by: Raven
Present:Leith Keres
Hoagie Grayner
Also Present:Khaelieth
Total Gold: 22686
10k - Raven
3k - Hoagie, Ryanous, Leith
3k donated to Coffers by Khaelieth.
Overview:The hunt started oddly, with a miscreant in the name of Khaelieth taking us for a long run via some dark cave, and then with Ryanous takin' us to Minoc, where all we really wanted to go was Trinsic. Eventually, we made it, but by the old reliable means of foot.
I had made pigeon and hawk calls, and visited the main loitering place of Trinsic guards, but there weren't any there t'assist now, so we carried on as per usual.
The cave itself was a maze, and it lead us to various points of interest, some man made structures, and we visited some of the various inhabitants, including, beetles, dread spiders, queens, warriors, workers and many more.
The hunt, with its aim of achieving at least 20,000 gold, meant that it took some time to complete and we thoroughly cleansed the entire cave network, before exiting in Minoc.
This edition of the 'Raven Squad' proved to be a fairly good team, with excellent crosshealing and fighting abililty.