Persons in attendance:Baron Octiovus
Penny Freckletip, Citizen
Maibaum Holzfee, Commoner
Manuel Calavera, Commoner
Mary Salle
Aeryn O'Niall
Hoagie Grayner, Captain
Torrak Keres, Sergeant
Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet
Aliryl Trefynwyd, Officer Cadet
Delferium, Mercenary
Celuvian Haap, Arcanist
Leith Keres, Recruit
Aslin, Recruit
Tsukiyomi Mori, Recruit
Adrastea Martin, Recruit
We were joined by merchants from Skara Brae and Trinsic, buyers from Vesper and Yew, and Nathan Hawke, Commander of the Royal Guard, who chatted a while with our more distinguished guests.
This Sunday the Memorial Square came alive with traders hawking fresh fish and game, baked goods and garden plants, hunting-bows, house-wares and tailored goods. The crowd, with purse-strings loosened by free-flowing ale and wine, enjoyed warm weather and a merry atmosphere.
Scenes from busy market stalls. All manner of things were on sale, from lanterns to love potions, pillows to pie.
I joined a number of brave souls who entered the screened stall of the Skara Braen fortune-teller to have our cards read. An over-ambitious raiding party of orcs was beaten back before business could be much disturbed. But there was no missing the ruckus when several of the Yewish Guardsmen began to harass the Baron himself... going even so far, I heard, as to swipe his cap.
Covians were quick to come to his aid, and Sergeant Keres was called upon to duel for the Baron's honour. As gawkers gathered around a makeshift fighting-ring-- I heard some who stood near me (very worryingly) call it a 'bloodbox'-- a series of challenges rang out, so that there was fighting throughout the rest of the day for those with a taste for that sort of thing to watch. The mood had lightened, at least. As for me-- I returned to my stall.
Above: An orcish raiding party is quickly despatched. Below: Rather pettier brutes than the orcs
insult the Baron and start trouble. The Company are quick to respond. If I'd had any worries about the turnout that morning, I was soon far too busy to make a fair guess at how many faces both new and old I saw throughout the day! My thanks to everyone who attended, and especially to Mai Holzfee, who helped to set-up many of the stalls.
Yours sincerely,
P. Freckletip