In CommandTorrak Keres, Mercenary Sergeant
Present in the CompanyHoagie, Captain
Leander Le Blanc, Mercenary
Adrastea Martin, Mercenary Recruit
Dismissed EarlyMatthew Ironside, Mercenary Recruit
On the third of May we rallied at the barracks to counter the orc's attack!
'Twas high time they learned
NOTHING gets between Covians and their divine right to go a-May-ing.
I happened to be looking at several young maids with nothing on their minds but frolicking and flowers, and was quite enjoying the view, but then these
barbarians showed up and had to ruin everything!
Sergeant Keres told us all how the orcs had attempted to interrupt the May Day festivities earlier that day.
Captain Hoagie Grayner related his dashing tale of heroics! As he was nursing two wounded kittens to health the orcs swarmed upon our closing May Day festival. Since everyone was blissfully astray due to the grand holiday and the lusty spirit of the season we did nay notice the orcs march down from their fort until 'twas too late.
Our Captain speared the largest orc, the Warboss, with the bolts of his own arrows. To add insult to injury, the Captain grabbed this creature that had been impaled upon its own sword and wielded it, quite literally, as a mace. Superstar Captain Grayner, with his man made orcish maul, laid to waste the entire orcish invasion single handedly.
Torrak grunted a bit as the story was told, but that's because he doesn't like to share the spotlight with other Covian heros.
Once the tale of truth and deed was spun, we proceeded into the orc fort as one. We secured the entrance and guard towers with quick precision. Shortly thereafter we found a curious bit of parchment outside the fort with orcish written on it.
An unidentified vessel was spotted. 'Twas likely Orcish. As ordered, I rained fire upon its sails, setting it ablaze. The smoldering shipwreck bubbled and blackened the sea as it sunk to its watery grave. Good riddance, the last thing we need in Cove is an orcish flotilla! I have attacked a few sketches of the ship below.
We pressed on through the fort and held aloft torches with which we ignited the vulgar punji sticks they use to fashion their walls. All of us kept our healing tight and formed on our leader when the brutes raged toward us. Wielding a combination of magic and steel we cut through all their defenses - we layed scouts, brutes, mages, and bombers to waste. In a matter of minutes the fort was engulfed in flames and the orcs were wailing in panic, fear, and agony!
We fell back to let these heathens burn and writhe in their flames. Let it be known that orcish scum is unwelcome in the Baronship Household! Violations will not be tolerated, stay where ye belong orcs, lest we rend ye asunder!
FOR COVE!*Inked darkly*
Leander Le Blanc,
Company Arcanist