Good Soulsss Unborn,
Very near isss the day vyss will sstand before the Massster and await judgement. Jusst two menial deedsss and sssome ressources sstand in vyss way, ayss?
~ Travel to the villiage of Lakesshire in Illshnar.
~ Lead a hunt: pilliage, burn, and maim many of thesse abominationss of flessh and fur vyss can.
~ Collect at least 5,000 gold coinsss for the coffersss.
~ At leasst one other member of the legion mussst accompany vyss.
Our enemiess the meer art. Ussse caution vysss musst asss preceed uss our reputationsss do.
The ssstrength to ssuceed may Guardian grant vyss!
*Etched Imperiously*