<OOC: to all not an officer or Baron in Cove>
After i infultrated the Vesper Army, I Met the Marshall, Who bears the name of Damian Bedford. i went and Fetched my Uniform. Apon reporting back i found a large force of Vesperins and Three Kaladorians. We were brought to the Docks where we set sail.
Not far out we were confronted by Large Sea beasts, To this point i thought it was some sort of Naval Training but then we arrived in Nujelm. we were ordered to go to the Tavern whitch the Bear head chancler lead us to. A man named Lurtz asked to go with him to protect him. so of Corse i perked up. and offered to go to protect him at this "Deal"
When we arrived i decided to keep a close ear and eye, it appears Vesper is shipping Nujelm Wood, In Exchange for Gems, from what i saw the Chancler was Given at LEAST One thousend Dimonds.
-Me'an Silen