After looking at the duties board I noticed this one had not been completed for some time. I wondered has the roads become safer now that our citizens no longer need escorts? After speaking to some of the people in Cove I found this was not so and they still feared to walk further than the town gates.
So I set about finding my first escort and came across a young noble man wishing to travel to Moonglow. Simple enough it may be thought to step through the moongate and just walk the short distance but no sooner were we through than a swarm of Mongbats decended on us. With several well placed arrows I soon brought them down but still more attacked as we made our way towards the town. The man thanked me on our arrival and paid me some coins saying he would never of made it through those mongbats.
My next escort was a healer wishing to travel to Minoc but the forest is plagued by all manner of beasts and with no knowledge in handling weapons the man feared to make any attempts to walk there. I calmed his fears and said I would be happy to escort him, which he agreed to so long as we stuck mainly to the road. Even so our journey brought us past a gruesome sight of an abandoned campsite with dead animal carcases left out for the flies. We hurried along the road to Minoc and our journey was otherwise uneventful. The healer thanked me for he escort and gave me some bandages for my trouble.
My next escort was a young girl wishing to visit her auntie in New Magencia, I have never been to this place nor heard about it since its horrible downfall. The journey was simple enough but the terrain was trecherous with little hillocks and uneven ground that threatened to trip the girl up with every step she took. For much of the journey I had to hold her hand to stop her falling over. We arrived safetly and she thanked me for the escort but had no coinage to pay me with so I told her not to worry as I was only doing my duty.
Nethaellas Idhrenniel