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Raiden Morana
*Notice hung up on the Goblin's doors and the Barracks in Cove*
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Topic: *Notice hung up on the Goblin's doors and the Barracks in Cove* (Read 2747 times)
Covian Legend
Karma: +12/-2
Posts: 939
*Notice hung up on the Goblin's doors and the Barracks in Cove*
August 10, 2009, 02:07:44 am »
ear Covians, as you are more then aware, Cove and Vesper has been at war for some time, however untill now citizens have remained unharmed and trade still prospered between the local tavern in Vesper, The Swaggers and our own beloved Goblin. I have however some grave news this day, this special friendship which has seen Covians and Vesperians alike able to drink after battles are at a bitter end. You might have heard of the attack upon our beloved tavern, you might have heard of the bombs being set up around the tavern too, how people who mean no harm are impaled with nails from these complicated and deadly contraptions. You might not have heard that all this is due to the greedy grasping hands of Jierdan, Swaggers new bar manager! How is it that I know? Let us just say a "present" today made all sort of boxes and "coincidences" click together...
Jierdan was behind all these attacks and ill intended plots, he is the one who has decided to involve civilian blood into this war of greed. I urge you, guardsmen, civilians, neighbouring lands, to take the war to Vesper on a whole new level, they have decided to descecrate a civilian establishment, why? For doubloons I tell you, envious of the Goblins huge success the Bar Manager has gone mad with jealousy, seeking to rid the Goblin of it's normal clientelle, but I, once more, urge you, customers and guardsmen alike, to stand up - against such tyranny and to take the fight to them! We will not sit by watching as Jierdan does as he wants with civlians, maiming and frightening them without a moments hesitation on his corrupted concience!
It is time for the Goblin to retaliate.
Starting now.
Yours in desperate need.
Kiran, Of the Green Goblin, Cove.
Covian Regular
Karma: +11/-129
Posts: 228
Kill! Maim! Burn!
Re: *Notice hung up on the Goblin's doors and the Barracks in Cove*
Reply #1 on:
August 10, 2009, 03:00:10 am »
Melancton smiled as he read the report
'The devices successfully planted, hm?', he thought, smiling as he turned to the Betrayer in charge of the operation.
Dead Elfie
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend
Karma: +12/-12
Posts: 569
Re: *Notice hung up on the Goblin's doors and the Barracks in Cove*
Reply #2 on:
August 10, 2009, 12:36:38 pm »
Scouts you know what to do. Get to it.
*signed sharply*
Aliryl Trefynwyd.
Scout Corporal.
Baron's Own Grenadier
Covian Veteran
Karma: +10/-3
Posts: 363
Re: *Notice hung up on the Goblin's doors and the Barracks in Cove*
Reply #3 on:
August 10, 2009, 04:29:18 pm »
Buttons will put a full effort into keeping
anyone and everyone
everyone who happens to be Vesperian, suspicious, Jierdan, anyone else suspicious, and people who generally disobey..
The Adventures of Buttons: Forever Inappropriate
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