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Author Topic: Very Bad Day Fer Cove  (Read 2527 times)
Darek Milako
Have No Fear, Darek The Great is here!
Baron's Own Grenadier
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« on: August 17, 2009, 04:40:33 am »

*Darek sits down at the table with a quill and paper. A face of extreme sadness sits upon his face.*

Today was a vereh bad day fer Cove. I' all started wit' a couple o' us Grenadier comin' in from trainin'. We were in teh barracks when some man o' teh Baron came in wantin' us to deal wit' some guardsmen tha' were messin' wit' 'im. So Meh an' Kobra went to teh tavern jus' in time teh 'ear there was abou' teh be an attack from Vesper. A secon' aftah tha' a naked lady, which we found ou' was Rebecca o' teh Swaggers inn ran in an' slapped Junior Thomas. So Kobra ran teh ge' Sergean' Keres an' i' was on. Meh an' Keres chased one man, Ah go' 'im in teh upper backside of 'is thigh wit' a bolt. Onleh one we captured, So Ah took 'im to teh cells fer interrogation. Tha's when i' all started.

So Aftah a while o' interrogatin', T'is is wha' Ah found ou'.
~Man's name was Mathew Tamm
~Is a Veterinarian for Vesper
~Didn't Know if it was a legit attack or not on Cove.
~Claims he didn't know the people he was following.

We nay believed anehthin' 'e said. We believe 'e was an Arcanist controllin a group o' snakes to attack our tavern an' 'arm our civvies. Ah go' tired o' 'earin' 'is lies an' passed 'im onto Regular Grenadier Marcus Kobra. 'e wen' in an' tried to ge' some information ou' bu' 'ad no luck. So Ah wen' to ge' Grief a' teh Inn. When there Ah found teh Mayor o' Trinsic who claimed 'e knew abou' teh attack before i' 'appened. 'e also acted like i' was NAY A BIG DEAL!!? Anehway Ah made 'im come wit' meh to teh cells fer some questionin'. While inside Ah found ou' tha' Mathew was a twin an' 'e WAS in on teh attack. Bu' 'e still refused an' claimed to know anehthin'. After a min we 'eard a loud scream from teh Inn. So Ah rushed off teh see. We go' there in time teh be informed tha' t'ere was men inside armed an' harrassin' an' robbin' our civilians an' guardsmen! So Ah rushed inside teh see t'em wiz past meh back ou' teh door. Ah ensued teh chase an started fightin'. After a long 'ard battle we were beatin'. An' teh bastards tha' were paid teh 'elp Vesper burned par' of our tavern an' pissed inside! In teh middle of i' Vesper rigged a bomb on Grief who was watchin' teh captee and t'ey took our 'ostage back!

We secretleh sen' Junior Thomas off teh Stonekeep teh ge' 'elp. In teh meantime teh foo's tha' go' us by surprise harrassed, beat, robbed, an' "attempted to make witty jokes about Cove an' us." Finalleh Thomas returned wit' three Yewish gaurdsmen who stood nay a chance. Unfortunatleh tha's when we realized we 'ad to wait fer t'em to jus' leave, regroup, t'en retaliate.

So finalleh t'ey left wit' alo' of our gold an' pride. Leavin' our tavern scorched some. So we regrouped a' teh barracks an' prepared fer an attack. We discussed i' an' attempted to call in as maneh guardsmen we could. Nay maneh showed up bu' we were too angreh to t'ink abou' tha'. So we 'ead off to Swaggers. We arrived to see two Vesperian gaurdsman shocked by our presence t'ere. We formed up to show our strength an' seriousness. Bu' found ou' teh Thieves tha' attacked us a' our inn was a' Swaggers 'avin' some drinks. T'ey came ou'side. T'ings go' bad aftah tha'.

Teh Vesperian in charge gave an order fer teh thieves teh be arrested. Bu' 'is retarded frien' said nay tha' tey were friends. An' tha' teh main Vesperian said 'e nay planned on arrestin' t'em to begin' wit'. Tha's when we were ambushed an' taken down....again. Very sad day fer Cove. Bu' our glorious day to come will be sweet vengeance.

Aftah reportin' t'is Ah was informed tha' our own Kelly Corvida 'ad 'er baby Emma taken from 'er in teh thieves raid o' teh Goblin. Baby Emma was innocentleh slayed in teh battle. Ah jus' want teh give a special Ah'm extremeleh sorreh to yer Kelly, an' Lil' Emma will be avenged. Rest In Peace Emma

~Signed Very Angrily~
Regular Grenadier Darek Milako

« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 04:52:29 am by Darek Milako » Logged

Darek Milako II: wow dude u look like a pornstar with that mustache!
Ogden Seaborne: Thank you kindly!
Darek Milako II: An' wha's wit' tha' 'at!
Darek Milako II: Ye' look like a rapist!
Demarian Tel'var
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« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 08:59:43 am »

*Peers over the report*
Some advice for you I've dealt with Vesperian's for over thirty five year's ... I've even served with some Escaflowne and I were good friend's but... he'll easily back stab and betray the second nature of every Vesperian never trust them!

Demarian Tel'var

Raiden Morana
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« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 11:27:33 am »

Sad tidings indeed.

The Vesperians have now added baby killin' ter their list o' atrocities and with the grieving mother one of their own living a peaceful life as a barmaid in Cove.

Their army is nay match fer our guardsmen so they seek to slaughter innocents. Surely the whole o' Sosaria must see that Vesper must be stopped.

Cowardly scum.


Raiden, Commander.

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 06:40:45 am »

Vesper has crossed the line when little Emma was taken from Kelly and I. She had taken to me and even called me as if I was her natural father as I have taken to her. I will not be reporting for duty for some time as Kelly is really broken up and I can not leave her in this state. Once I do return to Duty I want to see some bloodi heads roll for taking my little Girls life, I was to hang their heads from my shielt to show them that Covians mean buisness. Thank you Torrak and Buttons for being there when I needed you the most, The Brother Hood lives on.

Signed in shakey hand writine

Junior Grenadier: Marcus Tel'var

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