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Author Topic: Brother, where art thou? (OOC chat!)  (Read 12402 times)
Covian Legend

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« on: August 18, 2009, 03:39:58 pm »

This thread is your basic in most criminal aspects of guilds, or so i found in the ones I had. What do we want from this organisation of ours?

In my head I have three simple main goals when I decided to rekindle my old fantasy of a secret brotherhood within a guild.

Firstly number uno. To cause deep dark meaningful rp for before and after events. The most important aspect to keep guilds running is that roleplay is constant truthfully i nthe guild. The brotherhood in my view is capable of offering a route in which you can not only expand your character, but have them interact with some of the wierdest most delightful roleplayers of the time. If any of you were there during Padan Fain's rise to glory, you would fully understand exactly what kind of fun can be had. Or also to the more casual non planned events such as tax collecting from the citizenship of Cove, which also in my head was a enjoyable event, which will be a catalyst I hope to more fun rp, and more deep rich roleplay too.

Secondly. It gives the idea of consequences. Alot of the time I sit back and think to myself, well, no point really playing scared or such, I know people need permission to come perma kill my character or injure him in such a way to put him out of fighting. However as you are all aware if you seen the sticky thread on this forum, being part of the brotherhood includes letting people take the advanatge of ones character to be seen as "real." This is to say, upon joining the brotherhood you are oocly saying, I accept consequences to my character, whether they be from a enemy of within the brotherhood. Having injuries and the threats of more severe punishments helps in my head to also create a more spontaneous and hardcore roleplay scenario, where you know it's best not to do something stupid, else consequences kick in. Take for example the current tavern wars, the people we are fighting also accept the potential of permanent damage to theire character (This of course has to be for good reason, I am not saying on a whim someone will just come in and rip your leg off!)

Thirdly. A group of people who are enjoying themselfs. Roleplay is all about bouncing off people, your character is made of what other people treat you as. The Brotherhood offers a oppurtunity for people to interact with anyone and anything from the lowest life forms (Jierdan of course) To some of the most sick twisted roleplayed characters of our time! (Jierdan, of course!) I know myself I have enjoyed immensly my experience so far this month with all you new folk who didn't know about the brotherhood, and I hope you have the same.

My question now, and the reason for this thread is simple, improvements to the brotherhood, what can be done to improve our experience on a whole? Any good ideas for events, scenarious maybe different aspects to think about when roleplaying. Should we have special codes, secret passwords, a members list? Maybe all reports we do should be before even thought of posting actually GIVEN to myself or Jierdan or whoever is boss ish? Maybe everyone should wear something small so we are regonised by one another. Should we do more this or that? Let me hear your opinion as it is YOU lot whom make the brotherhood. Without you lot I would just be one insane fella writing reports to himself on a closed forum...

Thanks for being part of it all!


Adrian Harrowell
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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 05:24:28 pm »

I should take offense to that post. Oddly, I don't...hmm! You brought up an interesting point. About people being able to identify who is actually IN the Brotherhood. I rather like the idea of wearing perhaps a special kind of ring or whatever. Something simple to recognize another member. Sadly, it'll be a bit longer before I can hop into the game again because of no internet access, but I'd be all for some sort of means to identify each other.

The Huntsman
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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 07:42:28 pm »

Aye, I love this so far. I mostly love the consequences, too often in my more law-abiding personas I see crazy criminal activity but no consequences because the criminal does not accept them. So yes we have a unique flavour all our own! As for a mark to -know- brothers, I like and I dislike it. I like it cause it shows unity, I dislike it cause it sends all the OOC red flags up that even experienced and totally great RPers unconsciously react to. Its like being a brown/orange on a guys screen or having a Brigands of the Fort Guild Tag on. It screams "Hi I am bad juu-juu for yuu" Secondly what item? it would have to be visible on the paperdoll or in world? Or would it be a bit of the character description in the profile scroll? Purely RP or pixel-tangible? An IC reason for not having such a marker is this: I don't need to know john citezen -is- a brother until a boss or a contact puts me in a situation where it is revealed. Whats to gain from a symbol? "oh look a fellow brother in trouble, I'm bound to help him!" hah not hardly. I hope no one would expect my character to spontaneously assist them! Besides the fact that IC the symbol also would mark other brothers and make us subject to "Round ups". 

Regarding all reports going straight to the "Boss" I think in the long run it may prove a tedium for the boss to review everything. I think those who bother to post will only post things they feel are worthwhile.

Only event I have in mind happens to fit in rather well with one of Command's I await finding out if they like the idea. Doesn't mean we can't spontaneously pull it off, only question would be "What does the brotherhood gain" Not everyone needs to know the idea on a whole but I say if we can traffic with drow to cause some havoc, or deal with Unborns (Human servants of the undead) then we aught to. An anti-church revolt? A call for democracy from the states of Altmere? Weapon smuggling for the "otherside" of the war effort? Shade deals, prostitutes, slaves, poisons, explosives?  Anything and everything is open to us, so long as we remember the shadows and weigh the reward Vs. the consequence.

Hrmm  I lose my steam and stall. Until I have a reaction to another post, keep being sinister lads and lasses.

Copyright Renee-Claude Dostie @ www.elfwood.com
Adrian Harrowell
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« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 02:06:15 pm »

I wasn't implying that we wear big bright sashes or anything of the sort Wink I was simply saying something like a plain gold ring or something that an be hidden under gloves in a paperdoll would be nice. If someone came up to Jierdan for instance with shady work, or some message of sorts, it'd be nice to have some proof that he or she really are who they claim to be IC.

The Huntsman
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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2009, 04:03:30 pm »

Well aye, I have this really bad habit of assuming everyone around me hasnt thought of everything. . . i forget most people think more clearly than I do!

Copyright Renee-Claude Dostie @ www.elfwood.com
Covian Legend

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« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2009, 05:03:16 pm »

Now that I am fully back on the UO run I had contact on icq with some of the leaders of different cities wishing to do trades, Van in DOT and so forth are examples. What is important to note is that trading shade or drugs is hard at best, it usually required 5 active people, 1 supplier, 1 buyer, 1 trader, 2 low time people dealing it out, however from what I seen of activity within the Brotherhood the possibility of actually having shade dealt through cove is a big one, with current activity and standard of roleplay I see no reason why we shouldn't give it all a whirl.

Maccen, you are right with the whole regonising people, a old member, olchafa, who I got absolutely drunk with some days ago agree'd. We are criminals and don't do anything out of the goodness of our heart. So would be pointless knowing who is who, also maybe us the bosses would rather you lot were clueless, who knows.

Secondly, Jierdan I do agree with the whole "Yes, now I know he is a brotherhood guy cos of the ring" idea, Makes my life easier, surrisingly alot of folk come saying they are "members" who I never hired up to Kiran, hard for me even ooc to know whats what and who, imagine what kiran is thinking ic!

The Brotherhood on a whole embraces loosing, people need to understand this, so when it comes to big scale events, if we fuck up, all the better, it gives better rp cred and also just much more entertaining to be a criminal on the run, always on the look for scouts, waywatchers or worse, churchies coming knocking. But I do like loads of those ideas Maccen, some we have done before, some not, but all worthwhile kicking into!

I am pondering making kiran 30 years younger due to my new optic fibre internet and go pvp crazy... but thats irrelevent!

"Wheres that fountain of youth..."

Adrian Harrowell
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« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2009, 12:38:06 pm »

Could always find that fountain of youth and make Jierdan drink out of it...making him a baby...! And thus ending the horrible roxxoring you've been getting lately!

Covian Legend

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« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2009, 01:39:50 pm »


By the by, I been pondering the most important bit to all criminal aspects, money, all we do is for those shinies so I am thinking we should focus alot more on why we in this buisness, cold hard cash.

To make the brotherhood bit more flexible for members and such I have been working on a Shade scheme idea, is a bit cliche granted, usually done with 1 trade, then done, woo we got shade. But this time it will be a ongoing idea. What will follow is that we get some shade/nacrotics/smack/crack/drugs/ whatever into the Swaggers (Most stuff legal there) And from there run the shipments to cove, hold them i na safe location and actually have members of the brotherhood do shade deals. So going around with some in theire pockets selling it at specific prices given out by the officers/bosses. Of course discretion is needed. And if the idea work and we can get people "hooked" (We will write small books to confirm what the drug is ooc and what effects it have) we shall see where it will take us.

If you go into this forum http://www.f4g.net/traders-bulletin-board/8122-4-shade-deals.html You can see what ideas been played with before.

However I wish to upstake this and make it more of a thing for members to be doing. So as to letting you run wild with it all, setting up your own contacts, making you earn some cash on side, maybe set up your rivalry shade company, who knows.

If nothing else it will bring in some shinies, and that would keep to our rp standing as being bunch of thugs/criminals/Jierdan's. Whats most important to note in the brotherhood is that there is no loyalty, thats for sissies, what you all should be doing is be working for the coin, or revenge, thats always good. So I figure if we get set up some long term money schemes, keeps it all flowing along nicely.

Any thoughts?

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« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 04:20:13 pm »

I am not sure if this is the right place for this to be but it says OOC so here i go :

The Grand Heist

I was having a thought about this....Considering our current feud with Thf and what not. Perhaps to gain some upperhand with a Grand Heist planned out carefully ?

My original thought about is ; having some sort of a Banquette/Ball whatever in Cove. And as the peace lasts ; get the other major guild leaders and their posse over to Cove.

They will come armed and well guarded, leaving their towns lightly guarded. Will give us a lot of room to move.

The idea of this is *not* petty theft; but more the case of stealing valuable information, papers...You know the drill information->knowledge->power.

Some of the details I have thought about :

How do we have a reason for the Ball ?

Baron's still single. One stone 2 birds. Let's find him a bride that's going to be Brotherhood puppet. Also expandable so not a sister preferably. If she doesn't do what we like, oopsie accidents happens.

Also this gives another awesome opportunity to get our hands into Royalty business.

Synchronised Theft ? Won't it be reported ?

No petty theft. We are aiming for things that are not suppose to be in possesions of certain people. E.g. Battle Tactics of Militia from Vesperian Vault. Can't really expect Vesper going out openly making a complaint about this information being stolen can't they ? As they would need to explain how they have it in the first place.

Synchronised - means breaking in at the same time ; so not enough time for the targets to call in help and so on.

Why ? Can't we just err pvp ?

Sure! be my guest. But I thought this would be super cool - the way we set it up; we invite Thf over as well to Baron's Ball. If Thf are present at the ball. And they clearly didn't steal it who would it be ? Brotherhood. But no evidence left behind.

In my opinion this should be our signature too. No sign left behind. No boasting, no evil cackle. No evidence...No tearing down buildings. We are professionals. We can do it without waking up the neighbours.

This is the general idea of it. It took me like a week to summarize here but hey. I am lazy. I am also aware of having to have deep and secretive OOC conversations with leaders of the other guilds in order to actually steal important things such as stated above.

So whatcha think ?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 08:46:46 pm by Lacrima » Logged

Covian Legend

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« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2009, 05:01:43 am »

Sounds wonderful to me! Best thing to do is get started right away making it a thing ic we can plan and arrange I say!

Covian Legend

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« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2009, 04:13:57 am »

Hey guys, just some ideas I been thinking on.

With the new taxation thing being up and running (seems people are enjoying it overall) We could think of expanding I say in the terms of things available for you folk out there to do for fun. My biggest concern always for us never to really be out there "As criminals" More of a group of power players politically and information wise.

Now, my biggest thing is, I want the brotherhood more to be about in game enjoyment, being able to tax/rp the criminal and worry less of paperwork. Is important more we out there in game being our criminal self rather then actually writitting it up on a hidden forum. This is not to say reports are bad, I love reading them myself, but is more, whats enjoyable for you as a person.

Myself, I enjoy reports, writting them and making them, as they give a insight to what my character is and does. However is more also I do reports since it gives a insight into what we, as a group, do. This is mostly important for when new people join, and giving information to the less active Brotherhoodians, who can't play as often as some of us.

Now that i have rambled, mostly off topic, what I am getting at is, what can we as a group do ic that would be fun, kind of different, and a active sort of thing. Thats where the idea of taxation came to me, is easily done in game, can be done alone, in groups so forth so on, and it always has from simple easy solutions to complex and long full on campaigns like the elves being ever insistent not to pay them taxes. I am hoping in earnest all of this will spark up some great rp, repossesing houses and all that stuff, beating up commoners for coins when they refuse, setting out "wytch hunters" using the church as allies and so forth so on. But what I am thinking, what else next to taxation could be as equally fun, and it came to me.


Actually training in the art of assasination, all sort of interesting methods and theories how it should be done, all sort of stuff liek that. Maybe would also help for the future when we do get to do "hits" on people, that we have some kind of ic and ooc understanding how each and everyone of us operate. I recall myself and Sabal made a formidable team back in the day. I am not saying we should train to become the perfect pvpers, but more to also learn and teach each other ic. I have delightful images of making interest obstacle courses, scenarious, and using other brotherhoodians as targets inside a inn, and you lot trying to get him outside and then "finish him". Sort of practise assasinations kind of thing. Could be interesting I think.

Any thoughts?


Covian Legend

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« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2009, 06:20:06 am »

Hey guys, sorry that I have not written yet on forum, forgot to do so outside gm one.

I been absent last 2 weeks due to guests constantly going in and out of my house, making my uo time nil, barely giving me time to write forum stuff...

Anywho, should be good in a week or so. I do understand lack of reports and activity within especially our group goes down alot when I am not around, so don't worry, won't be making you lot do shite in my absence except your usual badassness,

Anywho, till then!

Player of Kiran.

The Huntsman
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« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2009, 12:02:46 pm »

Righto, You turn them guests out! You pimp! Anyway, don't worry. I promise not to burn the whole of cove down before ye get back. . ..

Copyright Renee-Claude Dostie @ www.elfwood.com
Covian Legend

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« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2009, 07:02:06 pm »

Back in full now all of you, guests all gone, only got like 1 essay to do this months, so uoing it up hard and like old times. Some good stuff come up for us to meddle in, let alone the Corvidae started by THF, Aliryl being dead also a good plotline to go with. Still got our tax stuff, the current situation with Kal, and also our introduction of shade and such goods into our community. Also I am doing some more "interesting" stuff, one on one basis, so always feel free to seek Kiran out if you feel a little bored or want some task. Currently got one in my head for all of you.

Jonathan - Player of Kiran.

The Huntsman
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« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2010, 12:39:06 am »

Oi! Ye crooks! Yes you peoples. . .   anyways, appologies for my absence and lack of progress in certain tasks but I've been abit turned off to RP latley, especially round way of Europa. I've hardly been playing UO period, moved back to my MMOFPS Day of Defeat, I needed something fast paced and such that requires little real thinking. For now I'm pretty distracted and not going to be on UO often until further notice. I ain't gone for good, I'm not selling my house, I ain't deleting a character, I ain't giving away my rare deco, just taking a major break. I'll try to pop on once a week and atleast do something mildly sinister, some tasks that require little preperation, maybe some stories of Maccens adventures in his abscence.

Cheers mates, hope yer enjoying yourselves and that ye had good holidays!


Copyright Renee-Claude Dostie @ www.elfwood.com
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