Dearest brother.
I am unsure myself exactly to the Vesperian trading companies doings in the current struggle I have with Jierdan. Whoever is with me was forcefully removed from there so I am unaware of any "threats" they make be able to do. However I know Jierdan, I know how craft he can be and I am aware this... threat, could possibly be a real one.
Vierna has been i nthe past a friend to our fraternity, our brotherhood if you will. She was there after the mill incident, she was there to help us reclaim Vesper via our Baron Jasin. I am unsure exactly to what to do in this cucrent situation except keeping our eyes open.
I would suggest what to do is pursue the leads you have found, my dear, and continue to be watchful. However as we are returning back to Cove soon I am sure meetings can be set up to speak more to Van and this Reann person, perhaps we can find out the whole story... I do not for any reason wish to cross Vierna, however I do not wish to see Van suffer needlessly... He was once my delightful subject, and he will hopefully be again. Tread carefully my friend..
As for your deed done, I am most pleased as this could be quite crucial in our trades with Trinsic....
You have done well, I shall ensure a bag of coin is send your way for your efforts.