Covian Legend
Karma: +12/-2
Posts: 939
« on: September 13, 2009, 07:32:41 pm » |
It is important you understand this structure.
Criminals are not known ever to have a certain "structure" a loose unity making them a band of unloyal cut throats and brigands. However, there are now rules in which you will earn your rank in the promotional requirements of a brotherhoodian. What it does, it that it follows the same method as that of a citizen, using shillings as a method of control. As you are aware, no criminals have the guild tag shown as the real title, usually it is coveredit with "commoner, citizen or barmaid" even though the ranks seem to prove otherwise. However it is more a show of "loyalty" to the bosses how well you have performed via the new shilling system. It also helps the bosses to keep a eye on your "doings." How does the system work? The system is a basic one as it changes nothing on your character administrational wise. It takes the reports which you have done or are to do on the brotherhood forum and hands you out shillings. Those shillings will then be added to your normal citizen administration bit, nothing changes there. For people who are guardsmen, they just add a shilling piece to the character sheet they play, thus keeping up to date what rank they hold within the brotherhood. It is important to note you will gain a bit less shilling wise reporting within the brotherhood, as we do not wish to see too many rich criminals out there. Also on a side note, many reports can be in turn reposted on the civilian forum, making it seem as a example.
-Kalam Ravenscar has cleaned the Green Goblin, pictures provided of what he done on the normal citizen board, same images, different text. On the Brotherhood board however you write how you have done it to cover up some blood spilled by a unlucky victim or perhaps the spillage of some nightshade- So in turn he gets shillings from the citizen board, and a bit extra from the brotherhood one.-
So how many shillings do I need to become a higher rank?
The rank structure is exactly the same of that of a Commoner to a noble. When you reach 500 shillings you will be given a citizen trial, and a smaller one as a brotherhoodian, they will not be too difficult, might just be a meeting with one of the bosses, depending on your quality of service as such. So do not worry about more administration sheets, is the same numbers over the whole thing.
So, what can I use these shillings on if I wish?
As a criminal, there are many ways in which you can use your shillings, whether you are a guardsman or a citizen. Shillings can be used as a bribery tool firstly, using shillings will involve bosses if you done a "mistake" and taken coins from a guardsman and been caught. Perhaps you wish to avoid the flogging which is to occur, gold will be transfered from pockets to pockets and perhaps you will go with just a slap on the wrist?
Shillings can also be used to help you promotional wise as a guardsman, bribing the local quartermaster to change a 1 to a 2 on reports or duties done. More on that later however.
So, what is the good thing about becoming higher rank then?
Tasks will be done to provide for people who wish to improve the items they use on a criminal, to get these tasks you have to be of a certain rank usually to obtain it. So if you are a "burgher" you are able to do tasks which entails blacksmiths or such to obtain chainmail and so forth. Just small tasks to say you are worthy of the items given you. You can in turn of course spend shillings on them, but either way.
You are also given the great joy of being able to make your own tasks, this is to say if a guardsman has been troubling you recently, you can put up a small hit on him within the brotherhood, or if some other citizen been rilling you up, why not have a task to chop off a finger or two, that will teach him! Also of course in turn you will be given more difficult secret missions just for you, which would invovle you closer to the bosses in turn.
It will also in turn, when it comes to different things which you use your shillings on, make it cheaper depending on your rank. Since you are a highly valued commodity the brotherhood is only happy to help you for a cheaper fee if you have somehow been caught.
Also in turn, you will be able to boss people around, which is always a delight!
We hope this system is easy to adapt to, many new applications will be done for it, I shall be sure to have you informed constantly of the new ideas and suggestions being put into this system.
Do we get awarded shillings for tasks done within the brotherhood already? - YES!
All tasks done from when this forum was started will be added to your shilling bits, I shall be sure to inform you all of the exact numbers and figures.