*Copy of a letter.**Reply to the letter by the Baron*Auribus Tenere Lupum
To rectify the issues raised in regards to the current taxation system, it has been decided that new taxes are to be leevied with immediate effect. These shall consist of:
A taxation on all elves consisting of 50 gold pieces for each pointed ear they have about their personage.
A taxation on all Arcanists consisting of 10 gold per spell they possess within their books of wytchery.
A taxation on all Army Members under the rank of Senior Guardsmen who own a home, consisting of 25 gold per window in their house.
*Signed flamboyantly*
Octiovus Von Richter
My dear brothers, it is time for us to make the townsfolk of Cove, the army and the elves fear us as they should. I want men out in uniform taxing the people of Cove, we are now given the chance to tax whom we want. Wytches, elves, all guardsmen up to a point. Remember do not make threats except if neccesary, and it's always best to go two by two.
These new laws are imidiate effect as of now, my brothers. We shan't warn the people... I wish to see them suffer under our rule.. Remember we have the Barons official backing and you are nearly immune to all threats from army and citizens. This is not to say you should of course upset any high ranking officials. We are professionals, lets act accordingly..
Good luck my dearest family. Seems in the end we got our just dessert.
Yours in a state of deliriousness.