Orc Fort:
Weh were joined by t' Knight Of Cove: Antonius Proximo 'Oo was rankin' officer th'ar. 'E took us ter t' Orc For'. Us was: Myself, Senaria Deveiant, Redgar, Nemo and Moon. Weh wen' In and Sir Antonius showed us 'ow ter figh' with skirmishers. Me an' Redgar were t' skirmishers. We faugh' many beasties such as Orc Bru'es.
We all go' ou' safely bu' I los' a few of meh sketches and was onleh lef' wit' ter one. After t' hun' we were aroused t' ter aid of Senaria, 'cause once she go' back ter t' barracks to wri'e 'er repor's she foun' a member of t' trinsic guar' ou'side. When we trie' ter arres' 'im 'e escaped by using t' recall spell. Probably back ter 'is stinkin' barracks in trin-*spits*-ic.
'E seemed ter be strong an' 'e carried a kyrss an' 'e threatened my friend, Guardsman Recruit: Nick. Nick wan'ed ter figh' 'im bu' Antonius said "Nay attack him, arrest him and take him to the dungeons." Some of us weren' pleased abou' this bu' we did i' anyway. Bu' as Senaria was paralyzin' 'im he escaped, even wit' all of us standin' roun' watchin'.
Anari. Guardsman Recruit, Covian Millitia.