Covian Legend
Karma: +12/-2
Posts: 939
« on: October 06, 2009, 03:11:34 pm » |
Brothers, it seems a vendetta has been set down on us and our name, it is time we fight back, but not as many of you would like with violence, but rather information. The main informant from what sources claim is that Kal Shadowhand, known to us as Kelban, is whom has given information to the scout leader, Aliryl, so we need to dirty the name of both of them, or more important, Kal's.
Find out if he has a past which would look bad should it come to a trial. Find out where he lives. Find out who he is currently with. Find out if he is doing anything now which might be used to defile his name. Find out who his friends, social gathering and such are, we can use it. Find out his past history, anything we can use?
Everyone has a hidden past, brothers, no exceptions... I want it found out! I shall have an extra reward available for any report or finding which lead me to believe we can use it further on. Also if you happen to find out anything about this Scout leader, use that too.
For now however my brothers, violence is the last resort... if we attack them, they know they are getting to us, and we shall not show weakness..
I look forward to finding out what you learned my beloved family.