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Author Topic: [Commoner Trial] - Edith  (Read 3745 times)
Roland Dagorian
Covian Church
Covian Citizen

Karma: +2/-1
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« on: October 14, 2009, 03:34:13 pm »

Sister Edith,

Thy devotion to Avatar and Cove hath been noted.  As such, thou hast been granted the opportunity to prove thyself worthy of Covian Citizenship. 

Task 1 - Truth

As a woman who hath dedicated herself to the Church, thou hast shown thyself willing to overcome the weaknesses and temptations that doth afflict thy gender.  Thou art required to hold a public lecture for the women of Cove.  Fornication out of wedlock shalleth send the souls of the seducer and the seduced into the Abyss.  Show thy love for thy fellow Covians by explaining this evil!.  I expect thee to instruct wives on proper behaviour, on how to serve their husbands dutifully.  Many of the women will be unwed; I require thee to instruct them on how, knowingly and unknowingly, their dress and behaviour may incite lust in the men of Cove.  Take these wenches to task on their unthinking wickedness!  Men may listen in on thy lecture, that they may understand that the seductive wiles of harlots mayest imperil their souls!  Report on thy lecture.

Task 2 - Love

'Tis time to spread the word!  Prepare a tome on the Church, on it's stern Duty to preach the Word of Avatar and of the Virtues.  'Tis an act of Love to educate the heathens on the one true path to salvation.  That one true path is through Avatar and those that resist shalleth be purified on the pyre!  Ensure thy tome reflects this.  Upon completion, use thy scribing skills to make copies of thy tome and spread them throughout Cove, Haven and Britain.  Leave them also at the Moongates also.  Prepare a banner of black and white cloth for each tome.  The banner of the Templi shalleth draw their attention.

Task 3 - Courage

Art thou aware of the tale of Sanct Helen the Martyr?  I shall elucidate thee in case thou art not.  Sanct Helen was a healer from Altemere.  A band of brigands had fallen upon a small company of knights from Britain.  The brigands were routed but most of the knights were slain or sorely wounded.  Taken to the hospital in Altemere, the wounded knights were treated.  But the brigands banded together with more vile murderers, and attacked the hospital, intent on slaying the wounded knights.  As the brigands attacked from the north, the healers carried the knights south towards Cove.  But Sanct Helen remained and armed herself with one of the knight's swords.  She fought the brigands with valour until she was cruelly strucketh down.  But her sacrifice allowed the healers and sorely wounded knights to reach the sanctuary of Cove.  Bolts of lightening did fall from the sky, slaying the brigands as they gathered around Sanct Helen's corpse and nary a one survived. 

Sanct Helen's mortal remains were buried along with the sword she wielded.  For two centuries the location of Sanct Helen's bones hath remained a mystery.  But the journal of one of the knights was found and it speaketh of the funeral.  It doth state that Sanct Helen was buried south of the hospital.  I have written to the healers there and they have recovered the Blessed Sanct. 

Thy task is to journey to the Healers in Altemere and speaketh with Healer Jerome.  He shalleth pass the remains of Sanct Helen into thy care.  Thou shalt convey the remains to the Shrine of Compassion and bury them there.  The sword buried with her is a holy relic, return it to the Church.  The road doth be infested with brigands and Guardian spawn.  The desert hath many perils also.  Take with thee an escort of whatever Templi and Guardsmen that are available.

(Contact me when ready to do task 3)

Sister Edith
Covian Church
Guest Of Cove

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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 03:05:42 pm »

Task Two: Love

I set to scribing the tome the other eve', describing our great Cove and the Church within. Here is the tome I scribed:

"The Avatar's followers hath returned to the Covian Church!

Ones true path to salvation be determined by their faith in the Avatar, and thy attendance to weekly Church Mass. The Avatar be kind to those of his children who follow the path of the Virtues! Ye must preach the word of the Avatar to all those strayers who have an ear to lend.

Friars and citizen followers of His word around Sosaria should be informed that the Covian Church is seeking new faithful faces, and ensure a life of fulfilment and forgiveness to those who choose the path of the Virtues."

I then travelled to many a moongate to spread the word of the great Avatar.

After this deed had been completed, I produced some larger banners within the walls of Cove, New Haven and Britain. They were rather large and difficult to carry with just one female alone, but I managed with some perseverance.

*Signed in small letters*

-Sister Edith
Sister Edith
Covian Church
Guest Of Cove

Karma: +0/-0
Posts: 9

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 08:04:29 pm »

Task One: Truth

My lecture took place this evening at five o'clock, which i had scribed earlier in the day. Here is a copy of the general outline of my lecture:

“My aim of this lecture shalt be to remind all females and children of Avatar of thy roles in society. In addition to society, the Church itself.

I shalt advise ye on appropriate dress, communal and public conduct, occupation, marriage and ye purpose of being. Males, ye shall be made aware of thy female’s expected attitudes towards thyself and their general conduct.

Dress is a crucial aspect all ye females must respect as children of Avatar. Ye shalt nay use dress as a means for “wooing” inappropriately, nor making thyself stand out to a crowd – This applies especially to a crowd of the male variety. Females should dress respectfully, as ye would in front of His presence. If ye nay follow His wishes, punishment shalt be faced by ye.

Thou shalt always conduct thyself appropriately. Any fellow males shalt also encourage this mannerly behaviour within their wives and female colleagues. Poor use of language and blasphemy can and shalt be deeply frowned upon and punished.

Occupation hath remained of the utmost importance within Sosaria, and ye shall obey to His wishes to be hardworking and respectful females – Ne’er undermine a male, for females are the lesser sex. Also, ne’er undermine ye position in society: Ye are blessed to be unpunished for ye sex alone. I recommend grasping attempts at becoming a seamstress, nurse or scribe as being great occupations. Be wise, Chyld.

Thy matrimony to a male is accomplished by all of the above. An honest male and the Avatar Himself is thy only hope of becoming a trustworthy female as Avatar’s Chyld. Ye shalt always be faithful to ye spouse, and any form of adultery shalt be punished to extremes: It shalt be the Pyre for ye!

Thy purpose of being on this here soil is to serve His greatness and serve Him well. Daily prayer and hard workmanship is the path to your life as a female. I hope ye follow the path of the Virtues, and that is spoken to both sexes!"

One young female had many questions, and I advised her of what she should do regarding her blasphemies and dress. The lecture seemed worthwhile.

*Signed in small letters*
-Sister Edith
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