I did make a winter uniform:) Back when I was sarge..but now theres lots more dyes and stuff so we could probably make a whiter uniform.
What inspired you to become a Covian Scout?: I don't know, been a Scout since I joined BoC. Mel's always been a sneak and I just thought the sneaky (and slightly sinister) Scouts suited her best.
What Scouting Events do you enjoy most? Camping trips.
What Scouting Events would you like to see more of? Mmmm expeditions! (I got one planned actually Jen if you wanna chat bout it)
Are you happy with the Scout : Aye
Any fond Scouting memories?: Just battles from back in the day with all the oldies, me you Kelly Garand. Ahhh good times.
Anything you would like to see within the Scouts that isn't there now? Hmmm maybe more events, but i'll always help with that.