As I continued my journey from The Compassion Shrine I headed South Then West through a cave. I found myself dealing with a deranged wolf and a Savage riding a beast. After dealing with them I travelled into the swamps. There were many creatures there but I only managed to deal with a giant deformed slime as the other creatures assaulted me in large numbers keeping me from getting any sketches.
As I moved more West I soon found myself near pools of lava surrounded by Earth Elementals. I easily dispatched these creatures and continued my Journey North. I found myself in a desert filled with unsavory creatures. I dealt with an Air Elemental and decided to take a Rest Stop in The Gargoyle city there. The rest was not too amazing...considering their beds were made out of Stone..
Continuing after resting I continued my push north through the desert killing a few creatures on the way. a Sand vortex, Efreet, Mongbats, and a Golden Scorpion were victims of my unstopping journey. Further north I found myself in yet another valley with lava in it's center. On my way I was stopped by a few earth elementals, Imps, and a fiery lizard. They were easily dealt with and I soon found my way through a cave.
Heading south from the cave I soon found myself at The Honor Shrine. I moved South from the shrine taking out a few gazers. The real fun came when I found myself heading southwest into a forest. The forest was filled with Vermin! It was alot to deal with but I managed to bring down droves of these slimes, rats, and lizardmen!, Gold and non alike!
Seeming to be the peak of my adventure through the forest I headed west till I found myself at The Humility Shrine. I decided to take a moment to go restock my Reagent supply as the journey had seriously diminished the supply I had set out with. Upon my return I decided to head back through the forest east to make my way through the Jukan filled jungle on my way to Honesty....
Since I seem to have lost the sketches of this part of my journey I have decided to leave a sketch of me blasting a lizardman!
I discovered some of the Sketches in shreds near the location I was in. I have them here. Also found a strange moongate in one of the buildings near Honor. Very odd....
Signed:Gabriel Drachen