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Author Topic: Pirate shenannigans *A report left on Jen's desk*  (Read 2133 times)
Mela Arkay
'Must be stopped'
The Light Company
Covian Legend

Karma: +17/-14
Posts: 2880

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« on: November 29, 2009, 02:35:11 am »

Leader: Mela.E.Arkay, Senior Scout

Gabriel Drachen, Junior Guardsman (Potential)
Faden Wildheart, Junior Scout
Zakery Kellinear, Junior Scout
Bannon O'Malley, Junior Scout

Mission aim: Find out as much information as we can about the Vesperians.

Disguises: For this trip everyone dressed up as pirates. We all used fake accents and we pieced together different piratey outfits to fit the disguise. We arrived and left by boat The SS Turnip to complete the diguise.

Information attained:

Recently the military have been blocking off the Area around the swaggers.

Hanse still acts like an uptight noble (even though he clearly ain't a noble).

Vesperians now consider crossdressing to be normal.

Man loving is legal in Vesper and apparently normal.

Gargoyles are allowed in Vesper from what we saw.

The guards like to sit around and play cards while their citizens need help.

Digging large holes in public ground is not prohibited.

Swaggers no longer houses whores (wow!).

How it went:
As with most complicated events it started off slow  and sort of chaotic with everyone putting their outfits together and thinking up more pirate like names for themselves. We decided our crew name would be The 'Notcovianatall' crew. The names for the characters they were posing as were as follows:
Zakery Kellinear -One eyed Ray
Gabriel Drachen - Miguel from hell
Faden Wildheart - Nedaf Moolock aka Banana Bill
Bannon O'Malley - Jacob O'Macjacobson
Mela.E.Arkay - Captain Peg-Leg

After we were ready for action I explained that we hadn't been doing enough spying on Vesper in the recent months and that we knew sod all about them and what their doing. So thats what we were going to do! However instead of doing it by sneaking we were going in disguise - As pirates.

But first off! We needed to name and throw a bottle of alcohol at our ship. So we named it The SS Turnip and broke a bottle of liqoure on the side of it! Everyone knows about my sailing skills so Jacob O'Macjacobson (Bannon) sailed us all the way to Vesper.

We docked right on the beach by the swaggers and were greeted by Rebecca of the swaggers. Thankfully I had my MASSIVE, GIANT, HUGE and IMMENSE fake beard on otherwise she'd of recognised me! We weren't greeted very pleasantly as Hanse rode by on his horse mumbling about peasants. We then went into the swaggers and got chatting to the locals and generally caused a rukus as pirates do.

After getting little information from the locals we decided to dig massive and inconvient holes in their beach. After that we decided it was time to finish up and we sailed back home. (Well I sailed us back home and I did it well!)

Senior Scout.

(OOC: Ta to Hanse & Vesper for being good sports)

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