Attending: Bersi, Junior Guardsman,
Training LeadRita Whalebiter, Junior Guardsman
Celuvian Haap, Junior Guardsman
Vaughn Goodwill, Junior Scout
Ruby Whalebiter, Watchman
Ilyana, Recruit
Troops from the Yewish Militia and Knights Templar of Templewood.
Junior Bersi led our joint training session with Yewish Militiamen and the Templars this Thursday past on the main road through Stonekeep.
We were warmed up with a round of laps to the south-eastern crossroads and back, and then paired up in facing double lines to wrestle for five or so minutes, ceasing afore any real damage could be done...
Stage One: Teamed Skirmishing CombatThe group was sectioned into two mixed-troop teams stationed at either end of the road. My team was made up chiefly o' heavy infantry, and we proceeded down the road to attack as one before skattering to skirmish, with arcanists as our primary targets.
Although we held out like this for some time, the other group, largely ranged and arcane fighters using the woods for cover, got the better of us in the end.
Stage Two: Escort Drill We were placed into two opposing groups again, the first being heavy infantry and the second being Scouts, Waywatchers, and a handful o' 'support' shielders including myself. Team One's objective was to escort one of their veteran Besiegers down the road; Team Two's was to ambush and cut the 'Seiger down.
Although we got a few good bashes at our target, with ourselves popping out o' hiding from the treeline at several points along the road, a miscommunication sent a few o' our number back to Stonekeep before the game was up, and Team One completed their long march out of Yew.
*signed*Rita Whalebiter
Junior Guardsman