Basic Arcane MagicTeacher: Ilyana, Junior Arcanist
Student: Graum Trolle, Guardsman Recruit
Junir Arcanist Ilyana kindly agreed to help teach me the basics of how to do magic, so that I could one day try to join the Arcanists. Since our last discussion about it I had managed to acquire an actual Spellbook, full of scribbles that was supposed to be spells. Ilyana briefly asked about my previous exploits in the field, and once I had explained that they were pretty much non-existant she started by explaining about reagents, the materials necessary as fuel for all arcane spells. She explained how Sulferous Ash and Black Pearls are used mostly for offensive magic, how Nightshade and Spider's Silk is used for giving form to spells, for summons, and for general offensive and defensive spells, as well as how Ginseng and Garlic is used for healing and curative spells, and finally how Mandrake Root and Blood Moss are generally used for most spells.
Next the conversation moved on to the subject of Mana, the ethereal or spiritual force that powers arcane magic when channeled through an arcanist's body. Mana flows through all living creature, and anyone who can learn to harness and channel it is capable of using magic, in some form. She explained how mana is what gives an arcanist its strength, and that paying heed to its expenditure is an everpresent consideration when casting spells. I also learned that apparently my standard issue recruit armor is much too heavy and can interfere with my mental stamina, and thus my ability to harness this mana.
Once this theory part was all concluded we moved upstairs, and got on to the practice. We started talkin' bout a few specific spells, such as tha purpose o' tha different protective spells. Also, on this same vein, Ilyana covered how to adjust your offensive spell use based on the strengths and weaknesses of your target. Once the basis of balancing offense and defense based on targets was covered Ilyana moved on to some basic spell combinations to take advantage of these things.
Graum Trolle,
Guardsman Recruit