Dear Council of Cove,
Once more, I's managed to seek the criminal Brenna Night out and put her into the cells. She already showed up early in this evening, some sort of trying to threaten us, even trying to take Bersi as a hostage. Some civilian however, managed to put our attention on him, so she could escape.
But that wasn't as bad as we thought early. The civilian was obviously some sort a related kid of Brenna, her adopted son as he claimed. This was the perfect opportunity for, as this time, I could use him as a bait for the real threat. Burning his skin slowly, making him scream and cry for his mommy, she could not else than to show up once.
Disarming her and throwing her into the cells, I released the civilian, simply could not standing his plearing all the time. He ain't a danger nor some sort of threat, taking the space for other potential criminals.
Ilyana, Junior Arcanist