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Author Topic: Damages of New Hope  (Read 2668 times)
Leanne Martin
Hoagie's pet
The Light Company
Covian Legend

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Pickles' Shadow

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« on: January 22, 2011, 09:42:42 pm »

After recent event concerning the trial of Sir Tel'var and Sir Kazami namely the admittance of Commander Torrak that we had suffered "the Lions share of damage". I have decided that the covian military should be made to pay compensation for the "significant" danger enforced upon our civilians. To that end any member of the covian military found on New Hope soil should be fined a sum of no less than 50 silver in certain cases it is to be significantly higher. This of course is waived if invited by a senior member of the order (Knight/dragoon/magi or higher).

Members of Cove may also be able to apply for exempt status which maybe submitted by the Magister, Parthian, or Adjutant and will be confirmed by the Seal and Signature of the Preceptor.

Reiver Bloodkind

2x Covian Seal ⚜ Rage of Raaz ⚜ 2x Ribbon of Activity ⚜ Order of Leadership ⚜ The Richter's Crest ⚜ Order of Distinction ⚜ Jhelom Campaign ⚜ Coalition against Undead ⚜ Liberation of Nu'jelm
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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2011, 04:27:11 am »

*A notice is posted near this one on the barracks message board.*

As the damages sustained by the town and people of New Hope were a direct result of their having chosen to bear arms against us in our pursuit of the fugitive traitors, NO REPARATIONS will be paid under any circumstances. It is not the responsibility of Cove's soldiers to cover the costs that other nations incur while making war upon the Baronship. They brought these 'damages' upon themselves, and will pay for them themselves.

*Signed alongside the seals of the Grenadiers and Baron*

Commander Torrak Keres, 1st "Baron's Own" Grenadier Regiment

Torrak: As far as I'm concerned, though, EA is just unauthorized modding BoC.
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