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Author Topic: Apprenticeship ~ Prepartory One: Guardsman Recruit Aleri Briggs - COMPLETE  (Read 5048 times)
Gregor Eason
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +30/-15
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« on: June 09, 2011, 01:21:16 pm »

Well met, Guardsman Recruit Aleri Briggs.

We have been formally introduced on several occasions, both at the time of your enlistment to Cove and through our brief meeting at The Green Goblin.
You seem like a good fellow, Briggs, and I'm going to see that ye get your promotion. It'll involve hard work and a lot of commitment through the ages but ye'll get there!

Ye've informed me that you do not have any particular allegiance or aspirations for joining a squad, thus we shall simply focus on rising the ranks of the Covian Army.

Advancement as a Covian Guardsman
There are a few select Covian soldiers that have not sought any squad, but have preferred to walk the line and carve out a reputation for themselves within the 'Main Block' of the Army.

To begin with your apprenticeship, see that you complete some of your outstanding promotion requirements. I notice that ye've already completed two of your Guardsman Duties. REMEMBER, ye will not receive your promotion if you cannot prove ye have completed such tasks! A man renowned for keeping his Admin Profile in order was Regular Scout Faden Wilderheart. Have a look here at his profile and try best to emulate that.

Immediate Focus
As such, for now, focus on;
  • Gold Raised: 10,000 - COMPLETE
  • Recruitment Banners: 10 - COMPLETE

Specific Tasks
On top of those, I shall require you to complete a few tasks that will coinside with the rest of your work. These shall fall around the topics of;
  • Literacy - COMPLETE
  • Parade Drill & Orders - COMPLETE
  • Sentry Work - COMPLETE

Literacy - COMPLETE
I notice you're not too confident in your literacy, the art of reading and writing. Whilst some soldiers get by with only the most simple of words, as my apprentice I will ensure ye mind is as sound as ye body.
* Compile a short brief detailing the history of Baron Octiovus. Utilise the Tome (website) and Forum to complete. It should be a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500. This will count as a Report.

Parade Drill & Orders - COMPLETE
I have another apprentice, Guardsman Recruit Zared, who needs to complete this also. It is simply a training session I will take you through that will practice the basics of parade drill. This we will organise at our own discretion, and can be done when you and I are both around Cove. This will count as an Attended Training session.

Sentry Work - COMPLETE
Sentries are important in Cove. Without them we are defenceless.
* I want you to construct and lead a sentry position in or around Cove, ensuring that at least one other guardsman is present. This will count as a Guardsman Duty.

For the History of Baron Octiovus and any other reports post them below in THIS THREAD.
I look forward to seeing ye rise the ranks of the Covian Army, Recruit Briggs!

Gregor Eason
Senior Guardsman, Covian Army
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 07:54:22 pm by Gregor Eason » Logged

Garak: "Uh, I was under the impression we didn't allow neon hair?"
Grief: "I was under the impression we didn't allow hair at all!?"
Aleri Briggs
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2011, 10:07:04 am »

I wil get rite on it sir!

Aleri Briggs
Gaurdsman Rekrut
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 12:38:44 pm by Aleri Briggs » Logged
Aleri Briggs
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2011, 12:38:07 pm »

Rekrutment Drive - 13/06/2011

Affter tonites ekspi ekspa eskap jeurney into Ilyashnar, I desided it was hi time for sum rekroo rekrutment!

It was goin al good and wel untill I got too Yew! Two dedies apered out of knowher!

At first, I tryed too rekrut them, and one seamed entrese intrescde keen! But sudenly it chassed me!

I bravly hid in a neerby tree, startd kiking them and told them too buggar off!

Al in al, I manged too plase ten baners for Cove!

Aleri Briggs
Gaurdsman Rekrut

« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 11:43:16 pm by Aleri Briggs » Logged
Gregor Eason
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +30/-15
Posts: 1262

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« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2011, 03:29:26 am »

Good work, Recruit! Undead!? Not seen them in a while..

Gregor Eason
Senior Guardsman, Covian Army

Garak: "Uh, I was under the impression we didn't allow neon hair?"
Grief: "I was under the impression we didn't allow hair at all!?"
Aleri Briggs
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2011, 01:19:19 pm »

Gold Gathrin in Dugneon Despice! - 14/06/2011

After lookin at mi imedaite trayls, gold gathrin was nekst! Got too keep the cofers full ey ey!

A trip too a lokal Britich dugnean was in orderr! Etins! Elmentals! Al fell to mi blayde!


10,108 gold peces gathred, an many maor too come! Yoo can counet on mi!

Aleri Briggs
Gaurdsmen Rekar Rekruyt
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 11:43:52 pm by Aleri Briggs » Logged
Gregor Eason
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +30/-15
Posts: 1262

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« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2011, 07:33:36 pm »

Super work! And great to see the Barracks lively again!

Gregor Eason
Senior Guardsman, Covian Army

Garak: "Uh, I was under the impression we didn't allow neon hair?"
Grief: "I was under the impression we didn't allow hair at all!?"
Aleri Briggs
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 12:39:23 am »

Ass ritten and guesed mostley by Gaurdsmen Recrut Aleri Briggs

Borne with a sliver spoone in his mouth, Barone Octobius is a man blesed with emmence luck. Frum wat I have sucesfuly dedused, he has no reel talent. Butt, too make up for his lack of talente, he made up in horibleness. Standin tallish amoung local Covains, he exoodes an aura about him. An aura of xpensive wine, and a "beter than thou" atitutude; this helpd the Octobus tyrannny spreade thick an fast throo the Covian landscape. In adition to substential wealth, Octiofus had a wealh of advisers. Advisers that don't do much aparently from what I can cee due to the Barones arrogence an ignorence.

A partikularly ignorent man, the Barone is. Devoid of nowldge of wat a pickakse or a pail of water may be. How ever, this seamed to be unceneucessary to lern in a man of his postion; hardli ever liftin a fingar to pour his own goblt of wien. His ignoranse coupled with xtraordinery brutal rashnes helpd exel and push his tyranical regime on other peaseful inhabitatants of other cities. A city such ass...

I was ther as a child, howver too yung to contemplate wat was goin on. Legends tell and describ the distruction of my poor cummunity throo wat the Baronn named "the Libertion Campagan". A few lokals thanked the Covains for theyr help, but mostli out of fear. Fear that Baoran Oktoivius wuld performe a sick clensing as aparent with previus "libertioin" campagins. A few of mi neihbours in Minoc saw wen the victory baners were placed, they al describd the first baner to be put up to be the "breakfest waffle crest" of the Barone. Once a paintin was done, then the Covaine armie would be able to brandish their baners, an go about theyr busines of colecting "spoils" of the defeted. Claerly for the Barones personale moosuem.

Wen I left on my journay to seek work with any meens nesseccary, many told meh to stay awai from Covee, an many told me to forgive an suport if I culd for the spefisic indivitduels that genuoinely helped make Minoc a beter place.

If it had not beene for the Barones so-caled evil sorcery, brainewashing his peons to do his biding, perhaps Minoc wuold have been libertated. Fiting the enemey for the good of his Covain people? With evry aktion the Baron has taken, thare is always underlyin personale gain; sometims more obvius than the other. But again, with his brainewashed locals and armie of old, who's to argueo?

My late father has told me meny tales of the Barone, and his late addvisor Daelin. Told me they wer somwhat closer than most. I wil not go into detayl, however the acusations and state of theyr relationshipe was always a Minoc gosip topic. I personaly have not sen or met our so caled ruler, which is why I find it strang to fight for his cause while he's coersing women or spitin in the faces of "leser folk". But, as a man desprate for work, I have no choise. Perhaps he's in a hapier place, with his advisor Daeline enjoyin the seacide; perhaps he's deade.

Either way, lokal Minoc legands an tales wil have been etched into mi memoray untill proven diferent.

I fite for Cove, I fite for honest liberattion, I fite to make the comunity a beter plase for lokal folk and thos les fortunat.

I refuse to fite for Barone Octobus.

Aleri Briggs
Guardmen Recrot
Gregor Eason
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +30/-15
Posts: 1262

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« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2011, 04:31:57 am »

*After reading the note Eason takes the note and stows it away*

A.. fine piece of work, Briggs. Your literacy is coming along well..! Keep it up!

*Whispers* Psst! Careful what ye say, lad! Despite nay being around the Baron has agents everywhere, and they may look unfavourably upon such an 'honest' telling of our liege's history.

But yes! Ahem..! Well done. FOR COVE!

Gregor Eason
Senior Guardsman, Covian Army

Garak: "Uh, I was under the impression we didn't allow neon hair?"
Grief: "I was under the impression we didn't allow hair at all!?"
Aleri Briggs
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2011, 03:02:37 am »

Parade Dril and Rekrutment - 04/06/2011

I kno this has alredy been reportd on, but part of mi aprenticeship rekwires a Parade Dril and Orders trainin seshsion. So this wil be mi expreience of mi first day in Cove!

Stil wering mi very fashnoble yet breezey robe, mi first task was a joke!

Leg endairy Minocian joke fals on deaff ears

As suspekted the intellekct of mi felow Covians were not up to standerds, so it blew over theyre heds!!

Maor very difikult trainin qwestions and orders!

Gregor Eason sir driled us very hard, he driled us very harde indeed! After al that hard driling we forcedt marched to the moonegate to embarke on our rekrutment parade!

All thouh filed with weird folk, we put on a dazling show!

We put on a show alrite! Covians big an smal shud be proude an I'm shure gosip of the parade stil echos throuhout Luna an Havene til this day!

To not saturat the markett with our amazin skils, we returnd home. I lernt a lot on mi first day, an hopefuly many more days of lernin to come!

Harde days werk makes teh free time maor worth whil!

Aleri Briggs,
Garudsment Recrut
Aleri Briggs
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2011, 03:49:44 am »

Sentrey Post...gone wrong! - 15/06/2011

Taskedt with seting up an maning a Sentrey Post, I descided it wuld be best to ofer some sekurity for Gregor Easone's aparently famouse Pub Quiz! An famoue it was! Atraking visiteurs youn an old! Some welkome.....some not!

Usin fabulus strukturin from Cove's owne RULK INDUSTRIES: RIDE THE RULK WAVE! AVLAIABLE NOWE!, an the hydes of arund ten lizardhumanes, I got to work with the fountadions of the post, usin the hydes to bulk it up a bit. Finishin tooches of lite torches aded a formedable precense to the poste!

Soone after, our first geusts arived! Yewish Gards! I stoode mi ground at first, inkwirin of theyr precense an names an stuff, but they wer less cooperorative! Asalted! Pushed Arund I was! I held mi poste as long as I culd until I was maliciusly felled!

Rekrut tryin to do his job in the midst of Yewishh thugs!

Alies thou they are the Yewish, an plus they wer not the worsed to visit....!

Easyson sir gave me the nod to bring deer, sweet, inocent Rupert into the poste an come incide for the quiz, an that is egsactly wat I did! At this moment, I feld a chillin vibe downe me spine....bute I dismised any spekulation of atack an brught lovely, wunderful Rupert in...

I brught the handsom Rupert in whil Eason sir startd the sho!

It was at this momment, where Senor Wytch Arkcanist Kas noticed the openin an unopenin of the Green Gobline's door! He kwitely motioned for mi to chek outside an...oh no! The deadies! I noticed one of them sinse it chased mi up a tre a few dayes ago on me rekrutment drive, but did not kno how many moar culd be lurkin in the shadowes!

I was surpiced that fron an centre wuld be our own Goblin Barmaide 'Lyne, wavin arund a club! Wat bravrey! Wen atempted to shoo them awai did not seam to work, I culd see the dedies gettin restles....and boom! Pounce! Out of no wher a deadie with a poisin tiped blade managd to get a decent shot on our Yewish ally Captain, and they legged it! Or boned it!! A chase insued! Get dem! Arrr!!

Covian bravrey an the chase!....but at what cost?!

At wat cost indeede! For wen I returned...horible scenes! Tragik! Disaster! Noble inocent Rupert was murderred inn cold blood, and for wat!

Comotion at the Greene Goblin as Eason sir sobs with teh deth of a fellow Covian...culd I to be blamed for this terible ocurance?!

Feelin very sad miself, perhaps it was mi fault I thught! I fetchedd another fyne steed for Easoen sir and hencefourth will be named Rupert II! Hopfuly it wil last as long as it's predececasor, perhaps maor!

With a huge feling of guilt, I promice to do maor to protect Cove an it's fellow lokals...humane of not!

Aleri Briggs,
Guardsment Recrut
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 11:53:23 pm by Aleri Briggs » Logged
Gregor Eason
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +30/-15
Posts: 1262

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« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2011, 07:57:12 pm »

Oustanding, Briggs!

Alas, poor Rupert. He was strong in life.. I know ye did ye best to protect him. Thank ye kindly for the new steed; Rupert shall live on in Rupert II!

Gregor Eason
Senior Guardsman, Covian Army

Garak: "Uh, I was under the impression we didn't allow neon hair?"
Grief: "I was under the impression we didn't allow hair at all!?"
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