Yewish Gaurd led Patrole into Illyeshnear! - 16/06/2011A fantastik turnoot for the Patrole! Yewish! Covians! Enymies and frends alike, standin together for some raison!
A fine speshimen of soldiers!The Patrole leader, Yewish Gard Natanel
Eagle Hawke led us to Illyshnear! Chaos to be eksact, and now I knowe wai they caled it that! Garggoyles! Dragons! Mighty Grater Dragons!
Pah! All fel easily by blade, mystikal majiks an flawles combat taktic eksecution!
Outsandin formashon an taktics fells the terrible beasts!We took a short brake, where Corporale Ilyana managd to get stuk! Hah! But....beein a smart and skiled Arkcanist, she was bak down in a jiffy!
Corporale Ily stuck....but not fer long!Onwardes! Towardes the terible Balrons! Pft! No matche for us, after a short span of pokin an spell castin, down they went an theyr valuable jaws be our prize!
Balrones no match for us! Yarrr!Enugh blood was spiled, so we marched bak to Yew. It was a well led patrole and bundles of fun! Seams the aliance is still storng! A hefty sum of gold was collekcted and that's a job wel done!
Dismised and time to relacks!The Yewish Gard went back to Rockkeep to initaite theyr drunken ritual while us Covians embarked on our nekst adventur!
Atended GardsmenCoveTurok Keres, Kommandur
Illyana Darchen, Arkanist Corporale
Jasi Cowen, Junoir Gardsment
Cal'pie Cui'gnir, Watcheman
Aleri Briggs, Garudsman Rekrut
YewBladius Fart, Captaine
Veritie Sandys, Markswoman
Afera, Cookie Garudsmen
Nataniel Hawke, Cookie Garudsmen (Leading)
BladesKetarou Kazapi, Head War Dawg
Aleri Briggs,Guardsmanet Recrut