Warm Waeather Training in Fire Dungeon - 09/08/2011Another addition! Another trainin! Another test!
Test 2 - Warm Wether in Fire DugneonTest two! Warm waethaer! Or should I say bloodi hot! GWAH! The men and women were given speshually lined clothing in order to withstand the heat within the dungeon. Infused with a cold sub-layer of sub-atomic sub-molecular sub-nuclear sub-wau sub-zero material, it'll be as if were nevar even breakin a sweat!
Kit on...let's rumble!Insyde, it was clear the speshul clothin wasn't up to the task! Gah! The sweat! Pouring out all of my orpheases and pits and stuff, disgusting! But I had to keep the guardsmen and women in check, had to keep morale up!
The sweat! It rains!We made our way through the the monsters, lava bridges and everythin! Sweating and sweating and slashing and sweating, we clearled the dungeon with no real problems!
The truth!Oh, akshully, there was one problem...I set myself on fire! But! Never fear, Keres is near! Or wait, fear more! But anyway, I was helped thankfully with minimal damage!
I'm meeeeeelting!Fire was not hot enough, onto Chaos in Ilyasnsnearareher! Balrons? Hah! Dragonish Drakes?! Hah! PEHONIXHES?! Double Hah!
Succubus?! Sexy Hah! All succumed to the power of
Aleri Cove!
The truth again!The end result really was as proedicted. Cove - 1, everyone else - 0, Aleri - 10!
Celebrations!A good amount of trashure was collekted for the Baronship, and everyone was dismissed! Stay tuned for another training at a later date!
Riches!Attended GuardsmenKas Valentine, Senior Arcanist
Aleri Briggs, Junior Guardsman -
LEADINGSillyIly's cousin Leanne Melior, Junior Guardswoman
Leith Keres, Junior Scout
Thomas Aylmer, Junior Arcanist
Lucent Dreher, Guardsman Recruit
Aleri Briggs,
Junior Guardsman