Anari sits and writes in high spirits at the success of his trip to the liche lair and the mad collector...I star'ed by goin' to t' collec'er fer t' black stone tha' Daelin told meh of. When I go' there I realised t' guy was mad... 'E'd forge' is 'ead if i' wasn' screwed on...
Mutters 'E made meh run all over Sosaria... From Haven ter Vesper an' back again... bri'ain... an' so on...
Mutters againThe mad collector from haven...Then came t' more difficul' task of infiltra'in' t' Liche Lair in Covetous... I took a group of t' millitia an' one member of t' ligh' infantreh. There was some strange majiks goin' on in t' dungeon... Watchman Regdar wen' inter a senseless daze while we were wonderin' t' cold dungeon.
Regdar in a daze...We wen' further on, switchin' between t' open air an' t' cold dungeon... Usually t' gaps of fresh air were a welcome break from the figh'in'... Bu'... when we were nearin' t' Liche Lair we were ambushed by an army of thousands a pon thousands of skeletons... They atacked from all angles bu' we fough' back savagely...
A few of the skeleton army...We neared t' Liche Lair an' we fel' t' cold as we passed under t' black ga'es wi' t' orna'e statues aroun' i'... I fel' a cold deeper than t' frozen lands... I fel' a waves of sadness an' a sickenin' sense of dispair. Bu', t' group an' I persevered an' carried on through...
Passing under the gate...Once we go' inside, there was a bi'er figh' between ligh' an' dark. T' ligh' prevailed an' we thwarted t' opposin' liche. We fough' our way through ter t' other side of t' lair where I swung my axe an' split a section of t' chair tha' Daelin had told meh abou'... I collected t' peice an' placed i' into a bag... One Corporal Arc had por'aled us back ter t' Barracks I gave t' stone an' t' section of chair ter Daelin an' began wri'in' this repor'....
Anari splitting some of the chair away...*Signed*
Anari, Watchman, Covian Millitia.