Keitaro Kazami, Regular Guardsman
Gimbly, Regular Grenadier
Raiden (Fancy) Morana, Captain (Former Grenadier)
I had called a line after Tibs had us killing orcs. All left except for two, Gimbly and Raiden. So I figured fighting that Evil Shadow Mage was not a good idea in the least with just three of us. I asked Gimbly to duel me for my trials. Raiden saying seen as he was a former member of the Grenadiers it might count but either way he wanted to duel. So I welcomed the time to duel both of them to see how far I've come since Demarian Tel'var had taught me how to really fight. First round was a draw between me and Gimbly. Second round I managed to knock down Gimbly. Afterwards Raiden wanted to fight even with his knee and Marcus isn't going to be happy about this. But who am I suppose to deny him the chance. We started off with armor and just 10 bandages. I manged to knock him a bit too hard over the head at one point, and he fell to the floor out cold. I was worried I had killed him by mistake. But he wasn't dead (thank god). He got up not knowing how he fell over. He wanted to go again but without armor this time. I think his head wasn't too good still because he went down very quickly this time. But it was a good experience for me nonetheless.
*Signed NeatlyKeitaro Kazami, Regular Guardsman