Led by:Raiden Morana, Captain.
Attended by:Saerendir, Guardsman Recruit.
Leanne Melior, Offcier Cadet.
(joined later)A Keres (Rurik), Watchman.
(joined later)It was a quiet eve, just a single recruit wanderin' around. I asked him if he'd been put through his cadre.
'What's a cadre?'
'Up to the roof with yer lad!'I put him through his paces and then we headed to the orc fort so I could see how handy he was. We were joined by officer cadet Melior and what looked suspiciously like a Keres.
Whilst we were givin' the orcs a damned good thrashing, a bloody deadite tried ambushin' us from the rear. We chased him off and Melior brought him down. We trampled his bones to dust and headed back to the barracks.
*signed*Raiden Morana, Captain.