Tiberius tapped his quill against the blank parchment. He let out a long, exasperated sigh. It'd been days. He'd found an excuse at the bottom of every bottle to put it off. The tavern was empty now, just him and a few drunks, a bottle of half finished whiskey on the counter.
"C'mon Tib.. what the Hell did they make me do when I was a green'un?" The candle flickered before him. He closed his eyes for a moment. The room faded away.
The half-drow, Ketrid cut a powerful figure atop his charger, war mace in hand.
"Keep it together, men!" he barked with authority. A young Tiberius gripped his katana, nervously peering into the treeline. "
I should have just stayed mining.." he gulped, as an Orcish war cry reverberated seemingly all around the small band of mercenaries. With surprising speed, one of them broke from the trees and was soon braced against Tiberius' shield, tusks jutting forward, beady dark eyes frenzied. The fresh faced mercenary stabbed wildly at it with the katana, without skill. An arrow from behind put it down, the body falling limply to the floor.
He was drenched in sweat, the Orcs seemed to shrink back into the forest. It was just another day in the Tel'marian Mercenary Company. Untried Mentor Joanna Palmer shot him a look.
"You need to train those sword skills, recruit!"****
He opened his eyes, before slowly taking another glug.
"Ah hell, guess you should write what you know. This kid needs some danger." Recruit Elliot Tyrell,
You are set the following task:
You are to lead a group of guardsmen to the Solen Hive located close to the Justice Shrine in Yew and should aim to collect 5000 gold. If the tunnels have collapsed - you should find another way in. You should donate at least 2000 of this to the Justice Shrine in Yew. And recruit, don't step on their blood!
Report to me once the task is done. I will have more for you to do. Tib paused, snickering to himself.
"Must have lost twenty recruits down those damned hives. Let's see if he's got it."