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Author Topic: A Letter Addressed to Lord Octiovus, Baron of Cove.  (Read 3032 times)
Escaflowne -V-
Citizen of Cove
Covian Regular

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« on: August 07, 2018, 08:40:40 pm »

Baron Octiovus,

I Escaflowne, Redguard Commander and Chancellor of the Republic hereby invite you to attend a meeting between the Cove leadership and the Council of the Republic this Sunday at 9pm UK Time. The meeting shall be held on neutral ground in the city of Trinsic and facilitated by the Duchy. The location within the city shall be sent to you soon.

I request the following conditions be upheld and signed by yerself until the meeting has ended and both of our nations have returned to our homes.

1.) Vesper and Cove will not carry out any hostile actions towards eachother in the period leading up the meeting, during the course of the meeting and during the travel home for all parties. This includes attacks, spying, blocking trade routes and any other acts of war.
2.) Vesper and Cove conduct the meeting peacefully without aggression.
3.) Vesper and Cove maintain the peace and integrity of Duchy property and life whilst within the city of Trinsic.

-Signed Escaflowne, Chancellor of the Republic.

I look forward to yer signature.

Grandmaster tyrant.
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« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2018, 02:04:19 pm »

The Baron wrestles the half eaten letter from the mouth of the Baronial hound, Melville. He scans the contents with a quizzical eye. He briefly picks up the spy report on Vesperian activity.

He then casts his eye over recent attempts to rectify the border.

Briefly he notes the clause stating Vesperian trade must not be blocked.

President Escaflowne,

I have hereby read over your terms and look forward to our meeting on the most holy day.

I await your written assurance that the tavern wench keeper and other assorted women will not be disruptive to our meeting.

*signed with a flourish*

Octiovus Von Richter

Vince Valentine BoC (01:26) :
Don't mock me! I get 10% discount at tescos!
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