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Author Topic: Watchman's Trials: Aralin Eroecia  (Read 2133 times)
Kelly Sanderson
Cove Command
Covian Legend

Karma: +33/-14
Posts: 1203

By Jove and Sheeshy McGee!

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« on: September 03, 2018, 08:59:21 pm »

Watchman Trials: Aralin Eroecia

Another arcanist for the ranks, eh? We’re in need of some of those! Let’s get cracking, Watchman!

Task One: Covian by Culture

Show your dedication to your fellow men by hosting an entirely Covian event. I want you to hold an evening that fully embodies the spirit of Cove. The right colours, the right places, the right beverages. Legends of our City, old and new.


*You must plan what entertainment and activities you want to take place during the evening.
*You must ask for help from the citizens of Cove to assist you with food, beverages and any other things you may find helpful.
*You must research at least two historical Covian events and traditions and implement them during your evening.

Task Two: Talking to the Troops

As a Junior Guardsmen, you must prove that you are worth your weight with orders. You are to lead both a parade drill and a battle drill for the guardsmen.


*Again, you must research the orders you are going to teach during your sessions.
*You must end each session with a good old Covian free-for-all.
*At least four other guardsmen must attend both your sessions.

Task Three: Studying your Spellbook

You are to lead a series of three hunts. Each hunt must be led to a place where it could be especially hard for an arcanist to remain on their feet. Each hunt must include a different type of beast.


*You must seek advice and help from squadded arcanist regarding which monsters and beasts they find challenging to slay, and why.
*You must find out what techniques are best to try and tackle these beasts and report all of your research below.
*At least four other guardsmen must attend each hunt.

A full report for each task and any research and planning included must be posted below. I wish you the best of luck, Watchman. Do not let me down.

Kelly Sanderson, Corporal

John Dell:
My ultimate aim is to nag someone to the brink of total blindness and hate that they kill me.

John Dell:
It's for me like for you and pies; if one is staring you in the face you just can't leave it alone.
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