Afta a lon' day I returned 'ome ta der meh some relaxen when Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand came up and tol' meh tha' he needed ta talk ta meh. I go' up and followed 'im ta the top o' the 'ouse. 'e loo'ed at meh an' said( Et be toim ye show wha' ye realleh be made o' and ta proove tha' ye be readeh fer the Light Company) Afta abou' an 'our I set ou' ta foind the ol' lady 'e spoke o' in Yew, Twas nay easeh task bu' i did indeed foind 'er.

I tal' ta 'er loik Kal tol' meh ta an' she sen' meh ou' ta foind 'er apprentace. I wal'ed aroun' fer awhile when i came upon this little imp standen over this broken up body os a young fella.

I noticed the little bugger taken somethin' ou' o' the fellas pocket bu' then the imp vanished. I turned an' 'eaded back ta le' the ol' lady know wha' 'as 'appened. She then wan'ed meh ta foind this imp an' ge' back wha' was 'ers. I then 'eaded ta Brit where I coul' foind the Maze where I know tha' imps live.
Once I go' ta the Maze I quickly took ta the shadows so naythin' would stop meh from meh travels.

Usein' meh skills I quickleh shadow jumped ta the middle o' the maze an et was nay 'ard foinden them imps fer awl the noise they made.I made quick ou' o' them till them tol' meh wha' I needed ta know. So wit meh newleh aquired flute I was readeh fer the Light Company. An' now Kal will know wha' I be made o'.

Watchman: Cor'Ari Ta