-Odenetheus, Disciple
-Justyce Black, Recruit
-Seamus, Recruit
-Garand, Recruit
-Erik Arkay, Recruit
-Kal Shadowhand, Regular
-Dormack Shander, Wannabe Covian
Odeneteus was leading a group of militia soldiers into the Dungeon Deceit. It was a small group at first comprising of me and a few others, so we lingered near the entrance, taking on a randomly spawned monster from the mysterious brazier.
As we moved in further, the monsters got harder, and so more people joined the fray, yet we still found time to relaax and take some nice group photos.
We went deeper and deeper until reaching the liches, at which point all out hopes failed and we were scattered and destroyed. A kind visitor, who was considering joining the Baronship, Nobly sacrificed himself in order to clear the path so out wounded could get back to their possessions, and the fray between him and the Liches continued while we gathered our things and retreated to a safe distance. We eventually returend to the barracks after gainng a meagre 6000 crowns, and drank some well earned ale at the tavern.