*Jenifer sat remembering her last encounter with the disgusting creatures, half woman half bird and hideous at that*
"Now they jus' seemed ter keep coming, maybe if we could find some sort o' special beast and slay it it would slow their flow"
*Grabbing Watchman James Morris Jenifer set out to destroy yet more abominations, the steady flow did not seem to be slowing, Jenifer and James fought well side by side keeping each other alive*

*Jenifer, quickly thinking of and idea to stop the birds hatching begins stamping on the eggs of the beastly women whilst James fights off approaching fiends*

"There, over in the corner, there be a glowing beast!" Jenifer exclaimed,
"Roit, Le's get 'er" Shouted James rushing over and stabbing the beast with his Spear.

Signed Jenifer Feather
[OOC: Ahmed - Sorry about the edit, just the pictures went all crazy so I fixed them!]