Europa Auction's MarathonLeto Atreides, Chief Auctioneer of Europa's prime auctioning guild, Europa Auction, has invited BoC to assist in his Marathon this coming Wednesday. The Marathon will begin after the auction has ended. Participants of the Marathon must walk a marked trail from Leto's Auction House to his new shop, Two's Company - a journey from roughly Minoc to Skara Brae on foot. For rules and details,
click here to read about it on the Stratics forums.
Where does BoC play in? I'll tell you! Along the route from the Auction House to Two's Company, there will be 9 checkpoints - each of which must be manned by at LEAST one BoC guardsman. These guardsman will serve the bypassers who go through the check point, helping them fend off any monsters, giving them directions to the next check point, and making sure they remember to get a marker* before they move on.
When: Roughly after 7:30pm GMT
Where: Gather at the Barracks - Runebooks will be provided to each BoC participant
What to bring: Proper Attire, parade arms (guardsmen), crates, table and chair
An example of a Check Point. In the circle, you can place the markers, or you can hand them out to each person individually (which is what I recommend).All BoC members are welcome to help out! That's guardsman as WELL as civilians! Mercenaries and churchies too, as long as they wear the proper uniform!
Uniforms:All BoC participants are asked to wear the militia uniform. This is Leto's request. Leto's OOC staff members will be wearing green and white, all Marathon runners will have their uniforms, and all BoC staff must wear the black/tan uniform. Civilian? No problem, you can wear the sash and kilt, as well as dark grey pants and shirt.
Duties for GuardsmenWe'll be needing at least one guard for every check point. This guard is responsible for the construction of the check point, and remaining stationed at the checkpoint at all times, until the Marathon is over. Each Guardsman will be assigned a checkpoint to man, so there will be no confusion about where to be.
Mercenaries can also perform this duty.
I also need at least one experienced guardsman to man a Recruitment Stand at the auction house, along with Ysabelle, if she is able to attend.
What can Civilians Do?Leto will be needing hands at his auction house to hand out uniforms to the Marathon runners. Civilians can also lend a bit of help in constructing the recruit stand at the Auction house. Civilians may also help guardsmen man the checkpoints. It may also be an idea for civilians to serve refreshments at the recruit stand!
How do I sign up?!Post your name and rank down below, and state what you would like to help with!
If there are ANY questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask me! My pigeon number is 174-674-957.
Remember, it's still recruitment month! For every recruit you get, Oct will pay you 100k! This is a great opportunity for exposure! Also, each guardsman who mans a checkpoint will be accounted for a Gate Sentry Duty.
*For more information about markers, ask me, or read the Stratics forum post.