Penned on behalf of Danichta of CoveAfter fashionin some crutches and making a meal for a sick guard, Danichta hurried herself over to the Folk Tale Tavern to use its oven for the mounds of bread she wanted to bake fresh for the upcoming Auction and Marathon that the goodly people of Cove had been invited to. Saved for the special occasion were some dozen or so pitchers of fresh spring water the Serf had acquired on an unexpected trip to some nearby Caves the other day... but that, is another story!... along with some milk and cider.
Danichta reported to the Recruitment Stand where guard Garand was already set up in a nice booth with accompanying banner. Danichta was able to offer her fresh bread and seasoned fish steaks to those interested in joining Cove's ranks. There were, needless to say, some very peculiar and interesting folk!
After some two hours of recruiting, Danichta (later joined by Garand) visited Sir Erik at his Checkpoint and gave him the refreshments the Serf had made, as well as offered the refreshments to those running in the Marathon that passed the checkpoint. Those were some thirsty runners!
When all was said and done, Danichta still had a large amount of fishsteaks, bread and water leftover. Many of the guards would be tired and hungry, she realised, so she stopped off at the Barracks and unloaded the sundry morsels for their dining pleasure.