Well, let me tell you!
What an exciting first day as an official recruit. I had a rough time finding someone to supply a uniform, and at that, he had a hard time completing the outfit. Erik Arkay suited me with some armor and weapon (and oh how uncomfy it was) but had to take the skirt and boots from off what he called an imposter. They roughed him up quite a bit, let me tell you, but finally I was able to complete my Guard outfit.
After awhile of walking around trying to get used to the armor, I met a guard by the name of Kiran. What an odd fellow, but quite nice it seemed! He was friendly enough to offer me a few tips on my fighting techniques.
For some reason, both he and the good Arkay found my unique style somewhat amusing. But I assure you, I was trying my hardest! It was pretty fun, all and all, despite a few owies.
Before too long I was doing much better, or at least to their standards, and I think they were both quite impressed how far I had come in such a short while. That Kiran had a bit of a short fuse with me, however, but I think he was just a little tired.
Kiran had to toodle, so Arkay decided to test my refined battle prowess a bit, since he had watched Kiran training me. He decided that a trip to the nearby Orc fort would suffice. They were quite smelly, but I perservered, and Arkay even took me for a drink afterwards. I was more exhausted than I had ever been!
Best regards,
~Swinsweg Palmer~