Have YOUR say! Suggestions for the Baronship of Cove! We're interested to hear YOUR ideas, and if they're any good, implement them also!
The discussion shall be focussed on
"The Rebuilding Of Cove", broadly conncerning Activites, Events, Recruitment, and so forth. Please try to be specific and remain on topic. If you stray, we'll gently nudge ye back on the right direction. *Grins*
Furthermore, everyone DOES get a say, and so please be respectful and listen to what ye fellow Covian has to say.
When: 9pm GMT, Sunday 06/11/05
Where: mIRC (Details below)
mIRCYou can download mIRC from
http://www.mirc.comThe Meeting shall be held at;
Server: irc.enterthegame.com (6669)
Channel: #boc
Hope ye can make it!
Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship CouncilP.S. If you need further help with mIRC, contact myself or any of the Command.