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Author Topic: 27/11/05 - 17:00 GMT Boom Box Tournament!  (Read 3108 times)
Smedly Herbwood
Local Short-Arse
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Karma: +8/-3
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« on: November 21, 2005, 12:07:10 pm »

First Covian Boom Box Tournament!

When: 17:00 GMT, Sunday 27th November
Where: Gather outside the Folk Tale House
Bring: An axe, drinkin' money an' yer balls (or ye backbone if ye a lass)!

This is the Covian Shire, quiet... peaceful... serene... tha' is until th'first Covian Boom Box Tournament gets underway this comin' Sunday!

Tha's right! Boom Box has finally made its way t'Cove an' its yer opportunity to win big gold an' get yeself named as the Covian Boom Box Master.  For those of ye tha' 'ave ne'er played Boom Box before, th'rules are as follows:

1. Two competitors, armed wi' axes, roll a dice to determine who goes first.
2. They then take it in turns t'approach a wall o' twelve red crates (four high an' three across) an' smash one o' the crates open.
3. Th'loser is the poor sod tha' cracks open th'Boom Box an' gets his eyebrows blown off in th'process. BOOM!

Dependin' on numbers, th'tournament will be a series o' heats where competitors play eachother in three games o' Boom Box before th'winner progresses to the next round.  The overall winner will be crowned Covian Boom Box Master an' win a big gold prize!  Got th'guts to play? Then see ye a' the Folk Tale House this Sunday!

                 Smedly Herbwood

Smedly Herbwood
Local Short-Arse
Citizen of Cove
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Karma: +8/-3
Posts: 139

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« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2005, 10:15:54 am »

*Looking up towards the ceiling of the Townhall, small disturbed clouds of dust can be seen issuing from between the cracks of the wooden boards, marking the course of something heavy moving overhead*

The hobbit wedged his small frame against the barrel of gunpowder, and pushed with all his remaining strength to get the barrel over the door jamb and into the office.  Getting the blasted thing up the stairs had been a chore in itself, involving an impromptu assemblage of ropes and pulleys.  Struggling with the cumbersome barrel, Smedly still could not work out why he had decided to store the kegs upstairs rather than on the ground floor.

With one final shove, the barrel tipped over the jamb and rolled alongside the other two.

"Oh aye!" Smedly remembered "Tha's righ'! Won't get much o' a boom if th'damp rises up into these barrels o' gunpowder.  Best t'store 'em upstairs."

Wiping his sweat soaked brow on his apron, Smedly leaves the office, locking the door behind him "All set for Boom Box this Sunday then, can't wait!"

The hobbit skips off down the steps of the Townhall, whistling to himself and in such high spirits he is oblivious to the figure moving from the shadows in the wake of his departure...

Samuel West
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +12/-12
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Beasting will continue untill morale improves!

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« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2005, 06:16:24 pm »

Loud Noises. Dangerous.
Wha' can stop me!!

Smedly Herbwood
Local Short-Arse
Citizen of Cove
Covian Regular

Karma: +8/-3
Posts: 139

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« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2005, 06:40:59 pm »

Well ladies an' gentlemen, th'first Boom Box Tournament was a great success an' certainly went off wi' a bang!  Six members o' th'militia turned up t'take part in th'tournament, as well as Mister Arkay who came along t'watch his troops bein' blown up.

I decided I might get in a bit o' trouble fer damagin' their armour like, so I 'ad t'change th'rules a' th'last minute an' make all contestants compete in their normal clothes.

Th'results were as followed:

Heat 1: Grazgorn versus Hoagie
Winner: Grazgorn

Heat 2: Thomas Sendrich versus Kal ShadowHand
Winner: Thomas Sendrich

Heat 3: Drachir versus Vince Valentine
Winner: Drachir

Semi-Final: Grazgorn versus Thomas Sendrich versus Drachir
Winners: Grazgorn and Drachir

Final: Grazgorn versus Drachir
Winner: Grazgorn

It were a grand spectacle t'see folk gettin' blown clean off their feet, an' all th'games were very tense wi' th'players an audience alike holdin' their breath in anticipation o' who would smash open th'Boom Box.  In th'end though, Grazgorn progressed through th'heats an' came out the overall winner.

Grazgorn were named as Cove's first Master of Boom Box, an' were handed a cheque for 10,000 crowns an' a golden hatchet trophy.

Thankin' everyone for their attendance, I set t'work clearin' up th'mess from th'game an' smashin' up th'remainin' crates.  Unfortunately I forgot tha' I had added two Boom Boxes to th'final round of the tournament.  Now I know why I quit playin' Boom Box years ago...

*Tries to comb down his frizzy and frazzled hair*


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