Yet another beautiful evening and sunset fades over the Cove shire. Yet another eve of not knowing what to do. Until a whisper rang through the air into my ears about checking the local barracks board what was going to happen. And believe it or nay, there was a fresh note pinned up, slowly I read it carefully loudly for myself.
Date: Thursday 24th november
Time: 7.00pm GMT
Place: Rally at Cove docks
What to bring: Bandages, full uniform, parade arm, crates, recruitment leaflets
Time fer a Grenadier strength trainin' session folks!
We'll be goin' through all the essentials o' battle, an' on top o' tha' we'll be doin' a recruitment run, patrols, and more!
Remember folks, all that we'll be doin' goes towards ye promotion....
Vince Valentine
Junior Grenadier
Training?! Aye! With Vince?! AYE! Couldn't get much better I thought, but I was going to be proved wrong once again. I headed for the training at the spoken time, not many guards had seen the pinned up letter obviously for I only saw three besides myself. But the great Vince was of course there, and he asked us to line up.
The following guardsmen attended the training session:
Drachir - Officer Cadet
Vince Valentine - Junior Grenadier (leader)
Olchafa Serpernt - Watchman
Rupert Ridir - Watchman
Garak Nightchill - Guardsman Recruit
Judas showed up later but he was mostly staring at us, maybe with envy, who knows.

We headed for the Cove fields where Vince the great gave instructions about what we were going to go through. First of we started with some basic formations and movement training. Alongside that we had command training. Then we suffered beatings during the healing training where we were divided into two teams, none got knocked.

After the healing it was time for some real training, beat the other team up! Sadly my team lost all the time, maybe it was because of all the distracting metal sounds that came from inside the Cove town. After the battle drilling we lined up and got an unexpected suprise...which made Vince postpone the rest of his planned eve.
But since I nay got the word yet to report about what else happened after that training session I shall wait until Valiro or Judas give me the permittion. But I am Rupert, and I am prepared to make a full report of each happening that night. Along with nice pictures of course.
That be all for now