We had just finished the promotions parade an' we though' i' a good time ta strike back a' the yewish scum...... Again.
We was all there, gathered in force.
Our fine malitia was first split into three parts... The scou's the archers an' the heavy company.... Our hopes were high.Once the squads were sorted out we headed off ta yew... The ligh' comapany dissapeared ta spie on the enamy.
The light company fanished from view...Once the ligh' company had report back the size of the enemy army we headed of the long march ta Stone Keep!...
Our march was long... And we meet a little resistance from wild beasts...We marched all the way ta the road into The yewish stronghold where we go' into formation...
The we attacked........ But the yews were ready for us!!
The battle was long an' hard an' we all fought bravely.... However the day was no' ours. Yet again we failed to prevail over the peasent army of yew...
We retreated after our sad defeat... With much less men then we started with.... The losses will be remembered...