Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend
Karma: +10/-22
Posts: 1478

Cutlass-wielding pirate-scout!
« on: December 09, 2005, 09:18:44 pm » |
Either my computer sucks, or there's something wrong with my UOAssist.
Anytime i try and gate/recal to Hemi's Umbra shop or Lord Ulyses shop, my computer crashes and it goes onto the blue screen. This sometimes happens when I forget that that's what will happen. It happened just now because I forgot. Usually all I have to do, is restart my computer, get into a normal position without UOAssit, then start using it again, and its fine.
However, today, I loaded it back up after it crashed without UOAssist, and it went onto the AoS start-up, at this point I was slightly confused, but I carried on into the game. I logged onto my character, and my screen with small, my Paperdoll, bag and map were not open, and i had pathfinding and music on (which i had turned off). I decided that it just a little glitch so i restarted my computer and started again.
This time I used UOAssit because I was in a safe area, now I just cannot do anything. All I can see is me, people and buildings. I cant see anything in my pack, nothing on the floor, and anything I try and click or hover over to see the names, it just doesn't show their names.
Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but I will re-instal my UO to sort out this problem, and if it doesn't work...well Ill cross that bridge when I come to it. Sorry to have wasted a valuable 10 mins of your time, and I hope to see you in-game sometime in the weekend.
Cheers, Rich/Drachir