I went ta the bank o' Cove where i met u' wit' Guardsman Recruit: Leloo. I asked when she joined the Militia fer she was a new face. She told meh tha' she just joined onleh a Moon ago, so I then asked 'er ef she 'ad her Cadre yet and she said tha' she did nay 'ave et yet. I them ordered 'er ta the Barracks roof top.

I asked 'er thar ef she 'ad read em Boards an' she said tha' she 'as, So I pu' 'er ta the test.
I 'ad 'er runnen Drills in (FORM) (TRACKERS LINE) an' so on.
When asked abou' 'er kit, She replied tha' she was nay given aneh thin' so I equiped 'er wit' a Torch, Bed Roll, an'
Sergeant Valiro go' 'er a perade arm.
I tested 'er abilities wit' 'er weapons an' she did well, She onleh needs ta improve on
er 'ealen ability.
Awl an' Awl she be a quick learner.
Noice ta have ye in the militia Recruit: Leloo
Cadet Officer: Kal ShadowHand