Indeed i shall!
After watchman Radua departed, we set abou' keepin' an eye out fer any shady characters tha' came through.
A short while in, an arcane lass passed through 'ho seemed te be in one 'ell of a rush! Junior guardsman Ridir 'ad te take 'is leave shortly after, bu' Junior Scout Cor'ari Ta soon showed up te join us. leavin' Cor'ari, Bayne an' meself, along with tha' 'andyman chap kendric, who 'ad very kindly supplied us with most of our supplies fer th' sentry.
Suddenly, a magical portal opened, an' out popped three folks all dressed up in black robes.
After questionin' 'em abou' their buisness in Cove, they seemed alrigh', so we granted 'em entry. As they walked through though, their manner suddenly changed!
Seems these fellas were a bit shady after all, an' promptly demanded we 'and over our gold!!!
Naturally we told 'em te sod off, at which point, they launched a merciless attack, in which they managed te injure some of us guardsmen, before turnin' their attentions te poor ol' Kendric!
Not the shirt!Even though they may 'ave go' a lucky strike or two in, we soon saw 'em off, th' thievin' buggers.
Vince Valentine
Officer Cadet
Oh, an' because of all th' comin's an' goin's on this sentry, 'ere be a full list of all who were there
Bayne Guardsmen recruit
Ben Radau Watchman
Rupert ridir Junior Guardsman
Cor'ari Ta Junior Scout
Vince Valentine Officer Cadet
An' of course, Kendric