Anari sits down, a bandage over a cut in his left arm... he begins to write slowly remembering the patrol as his story unfolds...PATROL TO THE ORC FORTLed by:Kal ShadowHand, Officer Cadet
Attending Guardsmen:Anari, Junior Guardsman
Leloo, Guardsman Recruit
Kas Valentine, Junior Guardsman
Rupert Ridir, Junior Grenadier
Jenifer Feather, Junior Scout
Seamus, Guardsman Recruit
THE REPORTAh was mid-way through an argumen' wi' Ruper' when Kal ordered us teh loine up... Once weh were in a loine an' a few more people 'ad arrived... Kal explained wha' we were goin' teh do...
"We're goin' ter the Orc Fort!"We's all cheered 'cause weh loikes bashin' em Orc fellahs.. so Kal shou'ed fer us teh Force March teh em Fort... when weh arrived Kal loined us up teh decide 'Oo was teh do em repor'. 'Is firs' choice was Recrui' Leloo... Bu' me's an' Ruper' were arguin' again... an' ruper' slapped meh arse! So ah bashed 'im wi' meh mace... then when Kal came over 'e punished us bah makin' us do a repor' each...
Once weh entered em Fort a huge Orc stood before us... 'e 'ad teeth tha' were a' leas' four foo' long an' 'e was swingin' a massive mace aroond... Kal began shou'in' orders...
"ENGAGE!!"So weh followed teh orders bu' as ah was runnin' inteh Formation ah slipped an' fell, ah rolled over jus' missin' a gruesome axe tha' embedded et's self inteh em ground where meh 'ead 'ad jus' been.. teh rusteh serra'ed edge passin' wi'in a 'airs bredth of meh face... Kal began thinkin' quickleh an' shou'ed some more Commands...
"Forward! Crea'e a shield teh protec' 'im!!"
"Engage!"Ah sea of Millitia swarmed infron' on meh an' teh mace of teh huge Orc smashed inter a shield, savin' meh loife, scramblin' teh meh fee' ah regained control o' mehself an' joined teh ba'le once more... Ah swung meh mace again an' again a' teh legs of teh beas', an' when another Orc came teh catch meh orf guard, ah aimed a kick a' ets ches', i' fell teh em floor an' stopped movin'...
The guardsmen battling the Orcs...Slowleh weh faugh' our way through.. teh Orc retrea'ed inside their Death Pit an' attempted teh crea'e a barrier teh stop us from enterin'... teh piled barrels... skeletons... teh bodies of teh fallen allies.. anehthin' close teh 'and... weh 'ad em on teh run... Kal, realisin' tha' soon weh wouldn' beh able teh enter shou'ed more commands...
"Range! Take ou' t' builders!"
"Skirmishers! Charge! Break anehthin' yeh can' an' kill anehthin' yeh can!Ah saw Kas an' Ruper' rain down spells an' arrows onteh 'em Orcs... t'was a magnificen' sigh'... bu' ah 'ad a job teh do... ah charged inter teh barrels and swung meh mace as 'ard as ah coul' a' teh Barrels... one collapsed as ah hi' et, teh other melee soon dismantled teh rest... As weh walked inside weh saw a few orcs... tryin' teh foinde cover... Kal shou'ed...
"ENGAGE!"Weh charged an' ah swung meh mace, aimin' fer a skull, a brutish shield blocked meh blow an' then a sword slammed onteh meh lef' arm.. ah shou'ed wi' pain bu' et onleh made meh angry, ah swung over an' over, bea'in' inter teh Orc... ah knew et was dead before ah stopped attackin' et...
Carnage...Weh ventured deeper inteh em Fort... slowly teh number of orcs demished... an' our morale rose, wi' shouts o'...
"Fer Cove!"
"In teh name of teh millitia!"
"Fer ale!"Weh continued in... an' soon weh found another big Orc... weh faugh' again' slowly wearin' et down wi' small cu's turnin' in teh bi' wounds teh beas' fell!
The second brute...Once weh slew et... Kal shou'ed vallian'ly!
"Fer Cove!"
"Le's leave this place!"So weh retraced our steps through teh carnage an' Kal called...
Forced March!!Weh ran back teh em Barracks an' Kal dismissed us...
Signed:Anari, Junior Guardsman
Covian Millitia...