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Author Topic: DROW HUNT!  (Read 2310 times)
One-handed and one-eyed Elf
Covian Guardsman
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« on: January 10, 2006, 08:36:35 am »


When: The 8th January 2006 at 2100 GMT
Where: The Caverns of Despise
Bring: Your Battle Gear, anything which can give you an advantage.

Commanding Officer: Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman
Guardsmen in attendance:
- Erik Arkay, Commander
- Kurt, Regular Guardsman
- Anari, Regular Guardsman
- Thomas Sendrich, Junior Guardsman
- Kas Valentine, Junior Guardsman
- Leloo, Watchman
- Kiran, Watchman
- Mela, Guardsman Recruit
- Vincent redfield, Guardsman Recruit

At the end of the promotions parade this evening, Erik spoke to us about a dangerous mission with a gleam in his eyes. Several of us volunteered to lead it and he finally picked me, announcing that we were to host another of the famous drow hunts! So letting the men get their supplies we gathered outside the barracks and then Junior Kas opened a gate to the caverns of Despise for us. Quickly moving down further inside the stinking caverns, we only encountered small bands of ettins on our way. Quickly reaching the second level, me and erik set up the station and rendez-vous point.

The rendez-vous point

Letting the men loose on each other, me and erik watched amused as a guardsman every now and then, returned to us with his loot...Often with an eager competitor on his tail. The battle for supremacy ebbed and flowed and the 1st Place changed position several times. In the end however it might have seemed that Kiran would be the winner, hadn't it been for the fact that he tried to bribe me with a cheque of 12000 gold pieces. We can only wonder where a watchman has acquire such a sum.

Kiran's bribes...

Returning to the barracks as soon as the designated time had passed, we proceeded to accounting the gold and distributing it amongst the men.

- Vincent Redfield: 12020 gold 1st Place
- Kas Valentine: 6345 gold 2nd Place
- Mela: 6130 gold 3rd Place
- Thomas Sendrich: 4448 gold 4th Place
- Kurt: 1964 gold 5th Place
- Leloo: 1902 gold 6th Place
- Anari: 0 gold 7th Place

Announcing the winners!


Good hunt from all of ye!

Junior Guardsman Delcarakdur
« Last Edit: January 10, 2006, 08:41:04 pm by Delcarakdur » Logged

This thread has reached the pinnacle of its usefulness. We've established Kas is a hippy. Thread locked.
Samuel West
Covian Guardsman
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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2006, 05:22:01 pm »

Good repor'... Bu' ye missed me name off the top list...

Erik Arkay/Evinyatar
Banned for profanity on command forums
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« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2006, 05:33:31 pm »

Hah! Yarr a great Drow hunt....Although it did disqualify him, I'd like to give an honorary mention to Kiran for havin' the most Drow blood in his veins... bribin' 'n all

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