Didn't get to finish the idea, had to leave work
. so posted and ran. to finish off...
Was going to say. Calculating points system in Uo is pointless. How can you know if member a is worth 15 points and member b is 30 etc.
Only way to do it, that i can see is do it like Pbm. divide the whole world into grids. With key points in the grids, ( not necessarily the same size)
Have a day and time for the invasion. other days just normal activities. On invasion day, have your whole army set to do things, lets use Grd as an example.
They could have some men guarding stonehold, a few out doing other duties and rest in the invasion force. then cove would have to have men defend against this invasion force or launching an attack on minoc, or assisting vesper in something etc. You have a limited resource, the men. and have to plan where to put them.
Also if siegeing a city, the city should start off with say 100 food, 100 wood 100 iron. Each day of the siege will reduce this number down. With the mine they get more ore, as long as they still hold the Mine. But with the food and ore, they will need to get it supplied. So there have to be a navy blockade also to stop, merchants resupplying. Maybe pirates will attack these merchants. Maybe vesper merchants will actually be providing the supplies cause they love money more than honor ( spelt that on to show the uo virtue).
question for you. If thinking which city which resource, what would your idea be.
Minoc and cove = ore
Yew = wood and leather
Trinsic = sand = potion bottles
vesper = coinage most likely