GATE SENTRYLeading Guardsman:Anari, Regular DragoonAttending Guardsmen:Vince Valentine, Officer Cadet
Hew Phella, Craftsman Citizen
Thomas Sendrich, Regular Highlander - Joined then lef' in a few seconds...Weh made our way up ter em Glenmore Pass an' began to re-inforce teh blockade there wi' cra'es an' 'ides. Ah star'ed by jammin' cra'es in teh gaps teh make em stronger then made another layer aroond teh oot side...
The sentry begins to take shape...Soon teh place was lookin' fantastic, looked as strong as iron! An' would stop nay weedeh orc from ge'in teh Cove over em moun'ains! Cove was as safe as et could beh!
It's finished!Then Hew told us teh go away fer a while so 'e could work in peace, so meh an' Vince sa' an' 'ad an ale an' some chiken. We could 'ere cries of anger an' bashin' ammers, chisels... an' all sor's o' tools... Then Hew called us over... 'E'd made a catapult!
Lookies! He made a catapult, whats the chances..?Meh an' Vince were amazed by em catapult an' soon 'as teh chance teh test et oot, there was a brutish cry from ootside teh sentreh, Orcs... We's looked round fer ammunition... there was none! Hew's an' Vince's eyes fell onto meh... Ah though' "oohhh shoite" an' before ah knew et, ah was bundled onter em Catapult! Hew cranked up teh rope an' ah was thrown through the air an' landed on a huge orc, et crumpled beneathe meh... dead...
----------> What a shot..!!Ah thanked teh avatar fer meh soft landin' an' scrambled back inter em sentreh finalleh safe, once ah'd go' back ter em seatin' area ah'd calmed down, an' chuckled a' teh flight... We sa' an' talked fer a long toime sippin' our ales... then nigh' fell... we's took one las' check an' then took to our beds...
Doesnt it look pretty at night..?Wi' a las' "Good Nigh'" we's all drifted orf teh sleep...
Signed:Anari, Regular Dragoon
Army of Cove...